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Display a video created through the Kaltura feature

Plugin Kaltura

Introduced in Tiki4, with a major revamp in Tiki10. (New params: Kaltura Video Player ID, Width, Height, Align, Float, Add Media Button Label)

Use this wiki plugin to display a video on a wiki page that has been created or edited through the Kaltura feature, which allows videos to be edited collaboratively on the internet. Please see Video Editing for complete information on this feature. Videos are displayed with an html5 player, so that they can be viewed with some browsers in standard smartphones (e.g., Firefox on Android, and Safari on iPhone).


Tiki Doc From Code error: kaltura not found


Plugin Kaltura | Plugin Video | PluginVideo | Plugin Kaltura Editing | Plugin VideoEditing

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Wednesday 07 August, 2019 09:49:32 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.
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