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Plugin Versions

Use this Wiki Plugin to divide a wiki page into separate "versions." Tiki will display a navigation box that allows users to display each version of the page. For example, you can use this plugin to separate a single wiki page into Release 1, Release 2, and Release 3 information.


Tiki Doc From Code error: versions not found


  • If you use Wiki Config wiki page caching, this plugin may not render properly.
  • The "versions" used for this plugin are different than the "versions" stored in the wiki page history.


To separate different versions of text use: 3 dashes (hyphens), followed by the version label in parenthesis, followed by at least 3 other dashes or hyphens. For example:

---(version 3)-----------------------------

Basic example

This code:

{VERSIONS(nav="y" title="y")}

This is the default text

---(version 3)-----------------------------

This is version 3 info

---(version 2)-----------------------------

This is version 2 info

---(version 1)-----------------------------

This is version 1 info


Would produce:

This is the default text

More Examples

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{VERSIONS(nav="n")} This is the default text ---(version 3)----------------------------- This is version 3 info ---(version 2)----------------------------- This is version 2 info ---(version 1)----------------------------- This is version 1 info {VERSIONS}

Would produce:

This is the default text

Sample usage in conjunction with PluginTracker and PluginTrackerList (these are Screenshots):

Default text: Formulari, using PluginTracker
Default text: Formulari, using PluginTracker

Alternate version: Mostra les pre-inscripcions ja realitzades, , using PluginTrackerList
Alternate version: Mostra les pre-inscripcions ja realitzades, , using PluginTrackerList


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