安装 | |
您不必成为Web开发人员或程序员来安装Tiki。 Tiki有一个易于使用,基于向导的安装程序,它将为您完成大部分工作。其余的可以从你的虚拟主机的控制面板完成。你也可以使用tw:1-click installers.
概观 | |
这些视频提供了Tiki安装的基本概述。参阅Tiki TV 和 Tiki Movies 获取更多视频。 观看如何完成Tiki安装过程视频,包括如何配置数据库连接。这部教程还将展示初始管理员登录和常规管理页面。 观看如何完成Tiki安装演示,包括如何配置数据库连接。这部电影还显示您的初始管理员登录和常规管理页面。 观看如何完成Tiki安装演示,包括如何配置数据库连接。这部电影还显示您的初始管理员登录和常规管理页面。
Applying the configuration profile "Bug_Tracker"
分步安装 | |
在你开始之前 | |
在安装Tiki之前,请阅读Requirements 并使用 Server Check 工具。适当的规划可确保无忧安装。如果您需要Tiki的虚拟主机,请参阅tw:Tiki Friendly Hosts. 这些说明有意通用,并应适用于大多数共享主机安装。参阅Installation Guides 有关操作系统和Web服务器特定组合的说明。 |
先决条件 | |
1.1. 创建数据库 | |
Tiki需要一个MySQL数据库。 许多主机提供点击界面来创建数据库和数据库用户。例如,如果您的虚拟主机有cPanel 你大概可以查看 phpMyAdmin 在主菜单或标记为“Databases”的部分中。
创建数据库(和数据库用户)是一个非常简单的操作。本质上,您将创建一个空的(empty)数据库,Tiki安装程序稍后将填充正确的表和数据。 数据库设置的三个步骤
1.2. 直接从SVN仓库安装Tiki | |
该方法需要a。一个具有shell(命令行)访问权的服务器和b这个服务器上正在运行的SVN实例。 对于SVN部分,请查看页面dev:Get+Code。在这个页面上,如果需要的话还有相关的页面,你会发现有关SVN命令的注释以及你需要在命令行中使用的特定路径来自动检出或更新正确的Tiki版本到预期的安装目录(tikiroot folder)。 一个新校验的例子(也推荐用于主要升级) Method 1 创建一个新的文件夹(您将指定) Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
不要忘记切换到你想要更新的Tiki的tikiroot Copy to clipboard
启动setup.sh,(在tikiroot中):: Copy to clipboard
要启动Composer,您必须在启动setup.sh脚本后使用选项 "c": Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
However most of these servers have newer PHP versions available in the shell (command line), which can be used alternatively.
Another issue to be addressed is that providers have different naming conventions regarding how to distinguish their available PHP versions. To address this issue, the option "-p" is implemented for the setup.sh script to provide the option to manually change the PHP version used by the script: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
此外 如果这些选项都无法解决,您将收到以下错误消息: Copy to clipboard
例子: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
你现在就完成了,可以去你的网站运行安装程序。 |
1.3. 安装Tiki release文件 | |
1.3.1. 下载并解压缩 | |
Download the current version of Tiki to your local computer from http://tiki.org/download.
After downloading the Tiki archive file, decompress (unzip) the file to your local PC. 上传到您的虚拟主机Use FTP (or SCP, SFTP, Rsync, SSH, etc) to connect to your webhost. Once connected, find your web directory. It is often called 将所有Tiki文件从您的PC上传到您的网络主机。 示例1:使用lftp进行安装
A ftp testing upload session to an external webhoster needed approximately two hours, and the limitation was the provider's setting. The local internet connection was not saturated. 示例2:使用shell访问进行安装Run setup.sh to set permissions on the directories. The defaults should do. Copy to clipboard
1.4. 转到您的网站并运行安装程序 | |
Open your web browser and access the web directory in which you copied the Tiki files (for example: http://example.org/tiki/ or simply http://example.org if you copied Tiki to the root of your web directory. After a fresh installaton, the installer starts automatically. Tiki will switch to the URL yoursite.tld/path/to/tikiroot/tiki-install.php or yoursite.tld/tiki-install.php .
The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears.
The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears.
The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears.
From Tiki for
From Tiki for
From Tiki for
From Tiki for
![]() This message is normal and indicates that you are ready to install Tiki.
1.4.1. Troubleshooting | |
2012-09: A new Server Check script has been developed that will make everything easier! Just upload a single PHP file to your server and you will get advice on your server configuration.
Starting with Tiki 3.0, Tiki requires PHP5. Review the _htaccess file included in the Tiki archive file for instructions on activating PHP5.
1.4.2. File and Folder permissions | |
If your server is unhappy with Tiki file and folder permissions (this is dependent on server configuration), you may get an error message or blank pages. These failed attempts are typically in the error log (ask your web host to know where they are as it's different depending of your setup) Too few permissions
Too many permissions
If your permissions are currently at "777", use your FTP client to change the files to "755". If Tiki is installed in a directory, make sure to also change the permission of the folder which contains the tiki files. If you have shell access, you can run: Copy to clipboard
and answer any questions. If you don't know what to answer, just click "enter" to keep the defaults. Copy to clipboard
If "sh setup.sh" doesn't work for you, you may try, in your ./tiki/ directory Copy to clipboard
Another way is to set permissions for all directories and then set permissions for all files. For example, to set the permissions for all directories to 777 and the permissions for all files to 644, use the following separate commands through shell access: Copy to clipboard
After correcting any directory or file permission problems, visit tiki-install.php to continue. |
1.4.3. SuPHP Problems | |
Systems with SuPHP need permissions 755 at maximum. Group must not be allowed to write. This includes the complete path in the filesystem, not only document root of the webserver. Wrong permissions may lead to 500 Internal Server Error here. On the other hand less permissions (namely 750 without x/execute/subdir entry for webserver) may lead to 403 Forbidden Error. |
1.4.4. Permission Matrix | |||||||||||||||
Several usecases and minimum to maximum permissions you may try if something doesn't work properly. Permissions refer to data directly accessed by the webserver (files included by Tiki itself may and should have less permissions): OptionFor your consideration Copy to clipboard OptionThe following commands might be useful. In particular, it might help you use an IDE (PhpStorm), etc: For your consideration Copy to clipboard
In English, the above code adds you to the web-server group; forces the tiki tree to be owned by the web-server user and group; and then makes sure the tiki tree is readable and writable by the web-server group (you). Suggestions welcome! |
1.5. 运行Tiki安装程序 (tiki-install.php) | |
打开Web浏览器并输入: http://example.org/tiki-install.php (或者 http://example.org/tiki/tiki-install.php 如果你在一个子目录中安装Tiki)。 Tiki安装程序的第一页出现,此安装程序将允许您:
1.5.1. 安装期间的安全选择 | |
安装过程中有几个重要的安全选择,如下所示: 安全登录在安装期间配置常规设置时,可以选择 "要求安全(https)登录"。建议选择此选项,以便在浏览器和站点服务器之间发送的数据保持私密。 为了实现安全登录,除了选择此选项之外,您还需要为您的域提供安全证书和专用IP地址。这些可以从您的网络托管公司获得或购买,如果是安全证书,则可以从第三方获得。 为安装程序上锁In the last step of the installer, the installer is locked by default once you click the button to enter your Tiki. There is an option to elect to not lock the installer in that last step of the installation. It is highly recommneded that you lock the installer for any production site. The option is provided for concenience for development sites only. The installer allows a user to change or destroy the site's database through the browser so it is very important to keep it locked once the installation or upgrade is complete. |
1.5.2. 可选的“步骤5”,不使用tiki-install.php。 | |
If you are unable to complete the Tiki Installer, continue with a Manual Installation. |
1.6. Log in for the first time | |
Log in using the login box in the right-hand column.
1.7. Change the default password. | |
1.8. Congratulations! | |
It is recommended to create a new user and give him admin privileges instead of regularly using the admin account. You can now explore the interface but you should check the extra steps before to get you started. |
1.9. Configure Your Tiki | |
Please visit Initial Configuration to explain the recommended next steps, or configuration for the table of contents related to configuring Tiki. |
Add new features through post-install Profiles | |
You can enable a set of settings/permissions/content features in a single action, in order to provide a common feature at your Tiki site (make it multilingual, add freetags, configure it as a collaborative environment, etc.) with a just few clicks using the Profile Manager from "Admin > Profiles". Read more about it at Profiles. |
For more information on the Tiki installation process... | ||
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