Content Delivery Network | |
A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. A client accesses a copy of the data near to the client, as opposed to all clients accessing the same central server, so as to avoid bottleneck near that server. Content types include web objects, downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications, real time media streams, and other components of internet delivery (DNS, routes, and database queries).
In the performance admin panel:
New in Tiki5 in the Performance admin panel, you can pick a Content Delivery Network for static images and jQuery code. JQuery CDN and Vue.js on Tiki22 Vue.js will not load when "Use CDN for JavaScript" is set to jquery or Google. You have to keep the default (use none). This may be true also for prior and newer versions.
You can also use Amazon CloudFront. With a little server configuration, you can also use your own server as a CDN.
How to setup your server | |
This will improve your YSLOW scores if you tell your YSlow that is in the official list of CDNs. |
CDN for icons (i.e. webfonts) require CORS headers | |
CORS headers must be enabled for CDN to work properly - check .htaccess (Apache) or web_config (IIS).
Amazon CloudFront | |
The interface for CloudFront
CoralCDN | |
Note: CoralCDN is more designed for larger files. You won't necessarily get faster performance. This being said, it's great to use as a test.
To use, put as CDN:
where "" is indeed replaced with your real domain. Then, some of the static content like images and css/js files will be delivered by the coral network.
Other CDN providers | |