Table of contents | |
Customizing Themes | |
In Tiki, the theme is controlled by three types of files which specify the html layout — .tpl files - or templates that contain the HTML and logic (along with PHP files), .css files - Cascading Styles Sheet files contain the styling for the html elements, and images - the graphics files (.png, .gif, .jpg). For an overview of existing themes, see themes. |
How to create a custom theme | |
Tiki themes control both the layout or structure of a site and its overall look. You can alter the position of elements on your Web pages (adding/subtracting components) and you can modify stylistic elements like color and font. Thus, by creating or modifying a theme, you can define:
Theme file locations | |
In order to create a theme, you need to add files and folders to the styles folder and the templates folders in the main directory.
How to modify template (.tpl) files | |
The template files are written using the Smarty template language. See |
Edit Smarty templates via Tiki web interface | |
Please see Edit Templates |
The layout of Tiki | |
To modify the layout of Tiki in your custom theme, edit its CSS file and edit any template files that you may have copied into the templates/styles/yourtheme folder. You can add images, resize and reorder things, define columns, etc. See also Theme layout schema. The specific template files will differ based on which pre-existing theme you choose, but some of the commonly used files are:
Overriding templates | |
The default template files live in the templates directory, and its subdirectories such as:
(A theme name with one of these characters .- has special behavior. See below 'To have multiple .css with only one templates set'.) For example, if we wanted to modify the forum listing in our screensite theme, and wanted to modify it more extremely than can be done with CSS, we'd copy the file tiki-forums.tpl from
Tiki will substitute whatever is in your custom theme directory for the same template files in the default directories. |
Multiple themes with a common custom template set | |
You can have more than one theme sharing a common set of custom templates if you name the variant themes with a hyphen preceded by the name of the theme that first has the custom templates. For instance, the themes "screensite-gold" and "screensite-silver" will both use the templates from the directory templates/styles/screensite. This is convenient when you want to do minor style change between sections or between multitikis. |
Presentation | |
The presentation of elements, the visual style of your theme, is created using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So, the next step in building a custom theme is to make a CSS file for it. W3C provides tutorials and other tools for learning CSS principles:
Overriding global special-purpose CSS files | |
In Tiki>=3.0, some css are in the directory TIKI_ROOT/css, for example, calendar.css (used in calendars) and cssmenu.css and similar (used in css menus). It is possible to override them by creating the file in styles/your_style/css. |
Theme Options | |
(since version 3.0) Theme options provide for variations of a theme, for example, changing colors, column widths or other details. A theme's option CSS files, if it has them, are in the styles/themename/options folder. These files can be named anything, but only one (or none) is active at any given moment, and will override the main CSS rules. |
Overriding icons | |
In Tiki>=2.0, the job is part-way done. It is possible to overwrite the icons (the one that are used in the Smarty templates with the Smarty function The icon file must be in styles/your_style directory For instance if you want to overwrite img/icons/module.png and img/icons/omodule.png(the two icons used for module flipping), put the images to be used in styles/your_domain/your_style/img/icons.
Since you can change the CSS file and you can override any template your themes can make your Tiki site look like anything you want. The only limit is your imagination. |