These examples show how PluginCoil works to monetize specific contents.
To use the Default paywall text and Default payment pointer, configurable in Settings > Features :
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To use with a Custom paywall text using {ELSE}
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__::This content is exclusive!::__
__::To view this content you need to use the Coil extension.::__
User content monetization
These examples show how users can monetize their content using PluginCoil.
To use the User paywall text and User payment pointer, configurable by each user in User Information > Preferences > Web Monetization :
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The content you're viewing with exclusive access.
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To use with a Custom paywall text using {ELSE} and User payment pointer :
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The content you're viewing with exclusive access.
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__::This content is exclusive!::__
__::To view this content you need to use Coil extension.::__
A special thank you
This work was made possible by a grant from Grant for the Web, a fund to boost open, fair, and inclusive standards and innovation in Web Monetization.