Plugin HTML | |
This wiki plugin allows you to add any HTML (including scripts and objects) to a wiki page. This plugin was introduced in Tiki3. See also PluginJS and PluginJQ. Note Because users could potentially add unsafe scripts to a page, this plugin must be validated by a trusted contributor before becoming "live" on the page.
Parameters | |
Tiki Doc From Code error: html not found |
Examples | |
Basic syntax | |
Copy to clipboard
Example 1 | |
You could paste the code you get for a Google Gadget, a PayPal button, etc. For example, using this code: Adding an HTML Iframe into a wiki page. Copy to clipboard
Example 2 | |
Embedding some html object from a site serving embeddable videos (youtube, vimeo, etc): Copy to clipboard
Plugin execution was denied | |
After argument validation by an editor, the execution of this plugin was denied. This plugin will eventually be removed or corrected.
Example 3 | |
Making a wiki link to look like a button of the same theme style that you are using. For instance, this code: Copy to clipboard
Save changes with my custom buttom to the page PluginHTML, while you send also itemId in the url for PluginTrackerList magic, for instance (not used in this simple example)
Example 4 | |
When the parameter wiki=1 is used, wiki syntax will be parsed in the content inside HTML plugin. Copy to clipboard
This wiki syntax will be parsed to produce special characters:
Alternatives | |
There are others ways to include HTML in a page: |
Related pages | |