
Plugin HTML

This wiki plugin allows you to add any HTML (including scripts and objects) to a wiki page. This plugin was introduced in Tiki3.

See also PluginJS and PluginJQ.

Because users could potentially add unsafe scripts to a page, this plugin must be validated by a trusted contributor before becoming "live" on the page.


Tiki Doc From Code error: html not found


Basic syntax

Copy to clipboard
{HTML()} You can use HTML here including JavaScript, etc. This is unsafe and thus, must be validated by a trusted editor {HTML}

Example 1

You could paste the code you get for a Google Gadget, a PayPal button, etc.

For example, using this code:

Adding an HTML Iframe into a wiki page.
Copy to clipboard

Will produce this presentation embedded in the page:

Example 2

Embedding some html object from a site serving embeddable videos (youtube, vimeo, etc):

Copy to clipboard

However the plugin call was not validated by the admins but denied, and this is what it would produce:

Plugin execution was denied

After argument validation by an editor, the execution of this plugin was denied. This plugin will eventually be removed or corrected.

Example 3

Making a wiki link to look like a button of the same theme style that you are using. For instance, this code:

Copy to clipboard
^{HTML()}Save changes with my custom buttom to the page PluginHTML, while you send also itemId in the url for PluginTrackerList magic, for instance (not used in this simple example){HTML}^

Would produce:

Save changes with my custom buttom to the page PluginHTML, while you send also itemId in the url for PluginTrackerList magic, for instance (not used in this simple example)

Example 4

When the parameter wiki=1 is used, wiki syntax will be parsed in the content inside HTML plugin.

Copy to clipboard
This wiki syntax will be parsed to produce special characters: * ''Some examples:'' ~amp~ ~lt~ ~c~ * __More examples:__ ~gt~ ~ldq~ * ~rdq~ ~lsq~ * ~rsq~ * ~--~ --


This wiki syntax will be parsed to produce special characters:
  • Some examples: & < ©
  • More examples: > “
  • ” ‘
  • ~~


There are others ways to include HTML in a page:

  • Use the WYSIWYG editor. Note that Tiki will automatically filter potentially unsafe content.
  • Enable the Allow HTML in Wiki Pages option. Note that Tiki will automatically filter potentially unsafe content.
  • Use PluginJS to include JavaScript in a wiki page.

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