Use this wiki plugin to be able to insert one or more custom meta tags in the HTML head of the page where the plugin is present.
Useful when you want to provide custom meta tags per page, e.g. for sharing with specific image on Social Networks.
As the body (data) of the plugin is taken as raw html it always requires plugin approval by trusted site Admin/Editor on each edit.
It only adds the tag(s) to the head, it does not replace them, so if the same meta name tag is added, it will be twice there and first one takes the precedence
It will not replace the admin settings. If a meta tag "description" is define at "tiki-admin.php?page=metatags" it will be used (at the beginning of the head) and a second meta tag "description" using this time the content from the plugin Meta Tag will be added. (tested on Tiki24)
The plugin content must be approved, so it cannot be used for dynamic variables (unless all variants are approved)