This wiki plugin generates and displays preference documentation for use on website.
This will automatically record and keep past preference versions.
It automatically re-caches the current tiki preferences every time the version number increases (like from 17.0 to 17.1)
You may force a re-cache by emptying all caches (will only re-load current version)
If description, hint or help (link) are added to a new version of tiki, it populates past versions that are missing that information
Images specified for past version of tiki be used for up to 5 newer versions if no other images exist
Preference data is stored as it is in tiki to allow for maximum expansion in the future with backwards compatibility (like if color coding for basic-advanced-experimental was to be implemented etc.)
Plugin visual appearance is independent from storage, allowing for dramatic future style changes.
If an invalid, or non-existent tab-name is given, a list of available options will be presented.
Tiki Doc From Code error: prefdoc not found
Generate list of available preferences to display
This code:
Copy to clipboard
Display Look and Feel: General Layout, with images
There are 2 images specified. Tiki 17 image has a file gallery id of 33 and the Tiki 14 image has a file gallery id of 12.
This code:
Copy to clipboard
{PREFDOC(tab="look-layout" img="17:33|14:12")/}
Fixed width
Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
Layout width
The width of the site's content area (Bootstrap container div), centered in the browser window. The default is 1170px.
Changes the template for the overall site layout Important: when using the Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar) layout, be sure to set the fixed-top navbar height, below, to prevent content overlap. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Classic Bootstrap (fixed to...
Enable layout per page, etc.
Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc.
For the Classic Bootstrap or equivalent layout, specify the height of the navbar in fixed position at the top of the page. The logo module image assigned to the top module zone will scale to display correctly here. Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect.
Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. Note: this does not affect the Unified Admin Backend. Only the legacy admin pages when UAB is disabled. An admin theme must be selected first. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Classic Bootstrap (fixed to...
Site logo and title
Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area. This setting is expected to be moved from here to the admin-modules page.
Logo source (image path)
This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.
Logo title (on mouseover)
This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).
Tiki-powered site
HTML "alt" tag description
Normally a description of the image, such as " logo" Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.
Site Logo
Site logo upload icon
Display an icon for admins to be able to change or upload the site logo.
Site title
The displayed title of the website.
A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.
Activate zone for modules such as horizontal menu (navbar), search form, page-wide content, etc. Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Activate zone for modules such as "powered by" and "rss list" (page footer) Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Only if one or more modules...
Module file
Use a static module definition file instead of relying on the dynamic values generated by Tiki. Useful for custom themes. The file must be in YAML format, following the format used in profiles.
Extra module zones available
Extra module zones to be managed through the module administration interface. Useful if a custom theme or layout requires a special zone other than the predefined ones. Comma-separated list, maximum of 20 characters per entry.
Webmaster report
Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..
Webmaster email
A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports. Leave blank to use the default sender email
Fixed width
Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
Layout width
The width of the site's content area (Bootstrap container div), centered in the browser window. The default is 1170px.
Changes the template for the overall site layout Important: when using the Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar) layout, be sure to set the fixed-top navbar height, below, to prevent content overlap. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Classic Bootstrap (fixed to...
Enable layout per page, etc.
Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc.
For the Classic Bootstrap or equivalent layout, specify the height of the navbar in fixed position at the top of the page. The logo module image assigned to the top module zone will scale to display correctly here. Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect.
Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. Note: this does not affect the Unified Admin Backend. Only the legacy admin pages when UAB is disabled. An admin theme must be selected first. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Site logo and title
Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area. This setting is expected to be moved from here to the admin-modules page.
Logo source (image path)
This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.
Logo title (on mouseover)
This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).
Tiki-powered site
HTML "alt" tag description
Normally a description of the image, such as " logo" Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.
Site Logo
Site logo upload icon
Display an icon for admins to be able to change or upload the site logo.
Site title
The displayed title of the website.
A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.
Activate zone for modules such as horizontal menu (navbar), search form, page-wide content, etc. Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Activate zone for modules such as "powered by" and "rss list" (page footer) Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Only if one or more modules...
Module file
Use a static module definition file instead of relying on the dynamic values generated by Tiki. Useful for custom themes. The file must be in YAML format, following the format used in profiles.
Extra module zones available
Extra module zones to be managed through the module administration interface. Useful if a custom theme or layout requires a special zone other than the predefined ones. Comma-separated list, maximum of 20 characters per entry.
Webmaster report
Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..
Webmaster email
A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports. Leave blank to use the default sender email
Fixed width
Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
Layout width
The width of the site's content area (Bootstrap container div), centered in the browser window. The default is 1170px.
Changes the template for the overall site layout Important: when using the Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar) layout, be sure to set the fixed-top navbar height, below, to prevent content overlap. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Enable layout per page, etc.
Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc.
For the Classic Bootstrap or equivalent layout, specify the height of the navbar in fixed position at the top of the page. The logo module image assigned to the top module zone will scale to display correctly here. Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect.
Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. Note: this does not affect the Unified Admin Backend. Only the legacy admin pages when UAB is disabled. An admin theme must be selected first. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Site logo and title
Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area. This setting is expected to be moved from here to the admin-modules page.
Logo source (image path)
This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.
Logo title (on mouseover)
This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).
Tiki-powered site
HTML "alt" tag description
Normally a description of the image, such as " logo" Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.
Site Logo
Site logo upload icon
Display an icon for admins to be able to change or upload the site logo.
Site title
The displayed title of the website.
A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.
Activate zone for modules such as horizontal menu (navbar), search form, page-wide content, etc. Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Activate zone for modules such as "powered by" and "rss list" (page footer) Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Only if one or more modules...
Module file
Use a static module definition file instead of relying on the dynamic values generated by Tiki. Useful for custom themes. The file must be in YAML format, following the format used in profiles.
Extra module zones available
Extra module zones to be managed through the module administration interface. Useful if a custom theme or layout requires a special zone other than the predefined ones. Comma-separated list, maximum of 20 characters per entry.
Webmaster report
Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..
Webmaster email
A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports. Leave blank to use the default sender email
Fixed width
Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
Layout width
The width of the content area of the site, centered in the browser window. for example, 960px
Changes the template for the overall site layout Important: when using the Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar) layout, be sure to set the fixed-top navbar height, below, to prevent content overlap. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Enable layout per page, etc.
Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc.
Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. Note: this does not affect the Unified Admin Backend. Only the legacy admin pages when UAB is disabled. An admin theme must be selected first. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Site logo and title
Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area. This setting is expected to be moved from here to the admin-modules page.
Logo source (image path)
This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.
Site icon
This is used in narrow (top to bottom) page headers. In some layouts, the image is scaled down to fit in the available space. Recommended image height: 32 pixel
Logo background color
A legacy option to add a background color to the div that contains the logo image. Examples: 1) silver - 2) #fff
Logo title (on mouseover)
This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).
Tiki powered site
HTML "alt" tag description
Normally a description of the image, such as " logo" Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.
Site Logo
Site title
The displayed title of the website.
A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.
Activate zone for modules such as horizontal menu (navbar), search form, page-wide content, etc. Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Activate zone for modules such as "powered by" and "rss list" (page footer) Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Only if one or more modules...
Module file
Use a static module definition file instead of relying on the dynamic values generated by Tiki. Useful for custom themes. The file must be in YAML format, following the format used in profiles.
Extra module zones available
Extra module zones to be managed through the module administration interface. Useful if a custom theme or layout requires a special zone other than the predefined ones. Comma-separated list, maximum of 20 characters per entry.
Webmaster report
Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..
Webmaster email
A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports. Leave blank to use the default sender email
Plugin Image
File is not an image.
Fixed width
Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.
Layout width
The width of the content area of the site, centered in the browser window. for example, 960px
Changes the template for the overall site layout Important: when using the Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar) layout, be sure to set the fixed-top navbar height, below, to prevent content overlap. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Enable layout per page, etc.
Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc.
Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. Note: this does not affect the Unified Admin Backend. Only the legacy admin pages when UAB is disabled. An admin theme must be selected first. Single Container | Classic Tiki (3 containers - header, middle, footer) | Classic Bootstrap (fixed top navbar)
Single Container
Site logo and title
Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area. This setting is expected to be moved from here to the admin-modules page.
Logo source (image path)
This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.
Site icon
This is used in narrow (top to bottom) page headers. In some layouts, the image is scaled down to fit in the available space. Recommended image height: 32 pixel
Logo background color
A legacy option to add a background color to the div that contains the logo image. Examples: 1) silver - 2) #fff
Logo title (on mouseover)
This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).
Tiki powered site
HTML "alt" tag description
Normally a description of the image, such as " logo" Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.
Site Logo
Site title
The displayed title of the website.
A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.
Activate zone for modules such as horizontal menu (navbar), search form, page-wide content, etc. Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Activate zone for modules such as "powered by" and "rss list" (page footer) Only if one or more modules are assigned | Always | Never
Only if one or more modules...
Module file
Use a static module definition file instead of relying on the dynamic values generated by Tiki. Useful for custom themes. The file must be in YAML format, following the format used in profiles.
Extra module zones available
Extra module zones to be managed through the module administration interface. Useful if a custom theme or layout requires a special zone other than the predefined ones. Comma-separated list, maximum of 20 characters per entry.
Webmaster report
Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..
Webmaster email
A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports. Leave blank to use the default sender email