Use this wiki plugin to place a ShareThis button (from on the page. Users can click on the button and select from a number of social networking services to share the page with their network. A ShareThis account is not necessary.
Tiki Doc From Code error: sharethis not found
Other Usage Tips
A ShareThis account is not necessary for this plugin to work properly.
Personalized information from the user's ShareThis profile will appear in the widget if the user is signed into ShareThis, either through their website or through the widget.
If the plugin is used more than once on a page, all instances will be the same as the first one on the page.
May not work within a {DIV} or {SPLIT} plugin (this is an issue for any plugin that produces Javascript).
This code:
Copy to clipboard
{sharethis rotateimage="y" embed="true" buttontext="ShareThat" headertitle="Share this page!" headerbg="333333" headertxtcolor="e6d46e"}