
Wiki Plugin WMV


This plugin plays a Windows Media Player movie in a wiki page (.wmv)


Copy attachment to:

Copy to clipboard

WMV Displays a Windows Media Player Movie on the wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{WMV(width=>xx,height=>xx, controller=>true|false,autostart=>1|0)}Movie{WMV}

with and height optional (default 320 x 240)
controller optional (default true) 16 pix are added to height to show up the contoller
autostart optional (default false)

alternative you could write

Copy to clipboard
{WMV(movie=>URL to Movie, width=>xx,height=>xx, controller=>true|false,autoplay=>1|0)}{WMV}


Copy to clipboard

Link .wmv file in file galleries

You can link .wmv files in file galleries as a plugin in wiki page by using the files' id in file galleries.

First you have to edit the wikiplugin_wmv.php

Add "tiki-download_file.php?fileId=" in this line in wikiplugin_wmv.php

Copy to clipboard
$asetup .= " ";

change to

Copy to clipboard
$asetup .= " ";

After that you just need to enter fileid of the wmv file instead of file's url

Copy to clipboard
{WMV(movie=>fileid, width=>xx,height=>xx, controller=>true|false,autoplay=>true|false,loop=>false|true)}{WMV}

  • Remember to change back the code if you want to link to file by using url or you can just create another new plugin.


You can download it from the attachment to http://tikiwiki.org/PluginWMV, and copy it to copy to lib/wiki-plugins.

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