Shopping Cart Trackers
These tracker definitions (which can be imported) are used for the advanced Shopping Cart feature.
In order to record orders in trackers, the minimum you need is the Orders and Order Items trackers. There are additional ones that you will need if you are using more features.
These are here for reference. Profile under development.
NOTE: For now, FIELD NAMES cannot be changed. The code depends on it.
NOTE: You will need to change the specifications of the item link and item list fields to match the Tracker IDs on your system.
Copy to clipboard [FIELD14]
name = Order ID
position = 10
type = q
options = ,,,itemId
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersOrderId
name = User
position = 20
type = u
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersUser
name = Time
position = 30
type = f
options = datetime
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersTime
name = Order Total
position = 40
type = b
options = 0,10
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersOrderTotal
name = Tiki Payment ID
position = 50
type = t
options = 0,4
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersTikiPaymentId
name = Gift Certificate ID
position = 60
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersGiftCertificateId
name = Gift Certificate Amount Applied
position = 70
type = b
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = ordersGiftCertificateAmountApplied
Order Items
Copy to clipboard [FIELD19]
name = Order Item ID
position = 10
type = q
options = 1,,,itemId
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsOrderItemId
name = Order ID
position = 20
type = r
options = 4,14,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsOrderId
name = Product ID
position = 30
type = r
options = 3,4,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsProductId
name = Price Paid
position = 40
type = b
options = 0,8
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsPricePaid
name = Amount Bought
position = 50
type = n
options = 0,4
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAmountBought
name = Product Type
position = 60
type = l
options = 3,4,21,3,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsProductType
name = User
position = 70
type = u
options = 1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsUser
name = Associated Event ID
position = 80
type = l
options = 3,4,21,9,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAssociatedEventId
name = Product Name
position = 90
type = l
options = 3,4,21,5,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsProductName
name = When Bought
position = 100
type = l
options = 4,14,20,16,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsWhenBought
name = User Info ID
position = 110
type = l
options = 1,41,40,48,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsUserInfoId
name = Real Associated Event ID
position = 120
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsRealAssociatedEventId
name = Associated Product Class ID
position = 130
type = l
options = 3,4,21,98,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAssociatedProductClassId
name = Exchange - Current Order ID
position = 140
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsExchangeCurrentOrderId
name = Exchange - Desired Product ID
position = 150
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsExchangeDesiredProductId
name = Exchange Expiry
position = 160
type = l
options = 3,4,21,94
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsExchangeExpiry
name = Associated Event Start Date
position = 170
type = f
options = d
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAssociatedEventStartDate
name = Associated Event End Date
position = 180
type = f
options = d
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAssociatedEventEndDate
name = Associated Tiki Payments ID
position = 190
type = l
options = 4,14,20,18
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsAssociatedTikiPaymentsId
name = Original Price
position = 200
type = b
options = 0,8
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsOriginalPrice
name = Inputed Price From Gift Cert
position = 210
type = b
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsInputedPriceFromGiftCert
name = Inputed Price From Bundle
position = 220
type = b
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsInputedPriceFromBundle
name = Parent Code
position = 230
type = n
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsParentCode
name = Bought By
position = 240
type = l
options = 4,14,20,15,0
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = orderitemsBoughtBy
Product Classes
Needed for product exchanges, collect additional user information when buying certain products, and gift certificates features
Copy to clipboard [FIELD92]
name = Class Name
position = 10
type = t
options =
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesClassName
name = Product Class ID
position = 20
type = q
options = ,,,itemId
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesProductClassId
name = Associated Required Form
position = 30
type = k
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesAssociatedRequiredForm
name = Required Field IDs
position = 40
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description = Comma-delimited integer field Ids
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesRequiredFieldIds
name = Skip Required Form if Filled
position = 45
type = d
options = Yes,No
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesSkipRequiredFormIfFilled
name = Email Template ID
position = 50
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesEmailTemplateId
name = Associated Postpurchase Form
position = 60
type = k
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesAssociatedPostpurchaseForm
name = Postpurchase Field IDs
position = 70
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = productclassesPostpurchaseFieldIds
Gift Certificate
This is needed for the Gift Certificates feature
Copy to clipboard [FIELD105]
name = Gift Certificate ID
position = 1
type = q
options = ,,,itemId
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateGiftCertificateId
name = Name
position = 5
type = t
options = 0,60
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateName
name = Type
position = 10
type = d
options = Cash,Product,Product Class,Product Bundle,Bundle Class
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateType
name = Type Reference
position = 15
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateTypeReference
name = Original Balance or Percentage
position = 20
type = n
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateOriginalBalanceOrPercentage
name = Current Balance or Percentage
position = 30
type = n
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateCurrentBalanceOrPercentage
name = Origination
position = 40
type = d
options = Order,Employee
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateOrigination
name = Redeem Code
position = 70
type = t
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateRedeemCode
name = Mode
position = 80
type = d
options = Regular,Percentage,Coupon,Coupon Percentage
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateMode
name = One Line Description
position = 90
type = t
options = 0,60
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateOneLineDescription
name = Admin Notes
position = 100
type = a
options = 0,50,5
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateAdminNotes
name = Long Description
position = 110
type = a
options = 0,50,3
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateLongDescription
name = Gift Certificate Inputed Price
position = 120
type = b
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateGiftCertificateInputedPrice
name = Order Item ID
position = 130
type = n
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateOrderItemId
name = Order ID
position = 140
type = n
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
description =
descriptionIsParsed = n
permName = giftcertificateOrderId