Introduction | |
Structures are used to group an arbitrary set of wiki pages into a navigable tree . They are very useful for grouping Wiki pages into documentation, manuals, FAQs, HowTos, etc. |
1.2. Navigating Structures | |
1.2.1. Browsing | |
When browsing through the Wiki:
The navigation bar provides icons to the next ( If you have tiki_p_edit_structures permission, a structure icon ( |
1.2.2. Slide Show | |
If the slide-show feature is enabled, selecting the 'slides' button from the page bar will display a structure page as a slide-show! |
1.2.3. Table of contents tag ({toc}) | |
Using a {toc} tag in a page belonging to the structure will display a Table of Contents for any sub-pages the page has. For this to work, the page must have sub-pages. The toc plugin can be used to display the Table of Contents for any structure by using its 'pagename' parameter and from Tiki12 it can also be used in a page that is not in a structure - see PluginToc for full documentation of this plugin. |
1.2.4. Print whole Structures at once | |
You can print a whole structure at once into a single html containing all pages with their corresponding images, etc., through the Wiki > Multiple print feature. And you can optionally produce an odt file out of that, that you can use to create a pdf out of it easily with See an example explained for the whole documentation here in
1.3. Structure permissions | |
From Tiki15 to make the Structure permissions more accessible/visible in the permission tables, a separate section has been created, labelled 'wiki structure' and the following Structure permissions are available:
1.4. Managing existing structures / creating new ones | |
To create a new Structure or to modify an existing one, users must have tiki_p_edit_structures or tiki_p_admin_structures permission, either as a global permission for a non-categorised Structure or that permission must be applied to user for the category of the Structure's top page if categorisation is being used. Access to the structure administration screens is from tiki-admin_structures.php, available from the menu Wiki > Structures, or while navigating the wiki, and the main administration is as shown below in the various tabs for different Tiki versions. It should be noted that the user must also have tiki_p_view wiki permission for the top page in order to see the Structure in the listing shown from tiki-admin_structures.php
Depending upon what features have been 'switched on' the following are all the Actions that are possible and which permissions are needed in order to be able to use them:
If the item is locked, hovering over the icon will show the user that has locked it and if the user has the 'locking' permission i.e. tiki_p_lock_structures, clicking this icon with lock/unlock the structure.
The tiki_p_lock_structures permission was created from Tiki15 onwards to allow individual users the privilege to carry out locking/unlocking and this is applied (as with all Structure permissions) to the top page of the Structure if categorisation is used or as a global permission if categorisation is not being used.
As with all the various permissions 'sets', if a user has been granted tiki_p_admin_structures (also added as a new permission in Tiki15) they can do all the various Structure activities including the unlocking of a structure locked by another user. To make structure permission management clearer and easier to find, a new 'wiki structure' section has been created in the permission tables from Tiki15 onwards.
1.5. Editing an existing structure | |
From the main structure listing table, as discussed above, you can select an individual structure and use the 'View structure' action to show the detailed hierarchy of the structure and from this screen, shown below for various Tiki versions, you can carry out different edits tasks that are discussedin the following sections.
1.5.1. Adding a new page | |
Select the structure you wish to edit in tiki-admin_structures.php (see above) From tiki 9, as illustrated in the Tiki14 screen shot above, it is possible to simply drag an existing page from the page list shown at the bottom of the screen, and drop it where you want in the tree. It should be noted that as soon as this is done a Save button appears and the addition will only be finalised in the central database once this button is clicked. Or you can use the "Add a new child page" button ( Alternatively, you can add a new page while browsing the wiki, as a sister or child page to the page you are viewing.
1.5.2. Moving a page around | |
You can move a page in a structure via tiki-admin_structures.php with simple drag&drop, even through different levels.
1.5.3. Removing a page | |
You can remove a page from a structure via tiki-admin_structures.php. Just click on the associated button.
Users with the tiki_p_admin_wiki permission on a wiki page (or globally) will be prompted a choice to delete the wiki page as well as removing it from the structure.
1.5.4. Watch Structures | |
1.6. Alias | |
StructuresUser | Using Structures | UsingStructures | Structures User | Structure Usage |