Tiki7 | |
Tiki7 est planifié pour Avril 2011, mais sera un peu en retard (Mai/Juin 2011). Voir Feuille de route et Tiki7 Il y a eu un nettoyage intensif du code de la fonctionnalité Formulaires en Mars 2011. Si vous utilisez les formulaires, assurez vous de tester minutieusement une mise à jour sur une copie de vos données et rapporter tout problème rencontré.
1.1. Comptabilité (Accounting) | |
1.2. Journal des actions (Action log) | |
Le journal des actions enregistre de nouvelles actions :
1.3. Auto-chargement (Autoload) | |
Tiki7 utilise Autochargement des classes PHP |
1.4. URLs canoniques (Canonical URLs) | |
Pour une meilleur optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO), une nouvelle option a été ajoutée pour les URLs canoniques (seulement pour les pages wiki pour le moment) et ceci complète les panneaux d'administration des balises méta et URLs courts. |
1.5. Surligneur de syntaxe (CodeMirror) | |
1.6. Commentaires (Comments) | |
1.7. Organisateur de contenu (Content Organizer) | |
1.8. Feuilles de styles en cascade (CSS) | |
Voir Style de thème |
1.9. Dessiner avec SVG-edit (Draw with SVG-edit) | |
1.10. Galerie de fichiers (File Gallery) | |
Deux nouvelles options :
1.11. HTML5 | |
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5 HTML5 est généralement rétro-compatible, de sorte que les personnes avec un navigateur récent bénéficieront des améliorations et les autres ne seront réellement pas affectés. |
1.12. Édition de code dans le navigateur (In-browser code editing) | |
1.13. Interactive translation and "Edit or export languages" page | |
Continuing the work done for Tiki5 and Tiki6, several improvements to interactive translation and "Edit or export languages" (tiki-edit_languages.php) were done for Tiki7.
1.14. Menus | |
At the "Admin Menus" screen for the standard Application menu you will no longer have the usual Edit, Configure/Options Action icons. Instead you will see a RESET button and the clone icon. Therefore, in order to edit the main application menu, you have to clone it and use a copy for your edited versions. |
1.15. Mobile with jQuery Mobile | |
Tiki Mobile with HAWHAW was first released in 2004 and it was impressive for the time. Nowadays, phones are much more powerful and now that Tiki6 LTS is done, it's now time to make major changes. Thus, we are moving to jQuery Mobile. MobileESP will handle device detection. |
1.16. Modules | |
Payment outstanding | |
New module to show outstanding payments of current user.
Module Revamp | |
All the top & bottom section has been revamp and now everything (ex.: logo, login box, etc.) is a drag & drop module -> http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules Also, modules are filtered with a feature check. If the blog feature is off, all blog modules are hidden by default. |
Module TrackerHelp | |
A button allows to copy in a Pretty Tracker format all the fields in the current textarea of a edit wiki page. See Module TrackerHelp. |
1.17. OpenStreetMap | |
OpenStreetMap integration to Tiki via OpenLayers |
1.18. Passwords | |
New option to have password different from login. |
1.19. Payments | |
Allow payments to be restricted to be seen only by user that is supposed to be pay it (common use case) |
1.20. Plugins | |
1.20.1. Parser improvements | |
This will permit easier plugin in plugin embedding. |
1.20.2. Pending approval notification | |
There is a setting called "Plugin pending notification" in "Admin home > Editing and plugins > Plugins (tab)", which allows users in groups with the permission tiki_p_plugin_approve to receive an email notification each time a new plugin call is added in a wiki page as pending approval. See Plugins for more information. |
1.20.3. Plugin GroupExpiry | |
A plugin to show the expiry of a group a user is in.
1.20.4. Plugin GetAccessToken | |
This plugin is designed for an admin to display a link on a secure page to another page using a security access token. This might be useful where on one page which is accessible to users through a token, the user needs to be able to access another secondary page using a different token. |
1.20.5. Plugins for Blip.tv and Vimeo videos | |
Two new plugins have been added to make it easier to add videos from Blip.tv or Vimeo. They are similar to Youtube plugin. |
1.20.6. Plugins UI | |
See PluginUI
1.21. Profiles exporter | |
1.22. Slideshow | |
Slideshow has undergone massive improvements, including
1.23. Smarty tables | |
Code has been cleaned up and made more consistant, for a better UI and easier themeability |
1.24. SOAP | |
1.25. Spreadsheet | |
It has been even more AJAX-ified, so that the edit interface loads in the browser, without the need to contact the server at that point. |
1.26. Syntax Highlighter | |
Tiki is now using CodeMirror as a syntax highlighter and indentation helper, which allows to highlight syntax in real time when the user is typing it. It will also help with auto indentation of code (when required in some syntax) while typing it. The first step in the implementation has been in PluginCode and PluginR, but the goal is to extend it somehow to any textarea used in most Tiki features.
1.27. Theme generator | |
1.28. Theme styles | |
There have been quite a few changes in the theme style architecture in Tiki7. |
1.29. Trackers | |
Trackers allow exporting a tracker structure in the yaml format used in Profiles |
1.30. WebDAV access to wiki pages | |
1.31. Unified Search | |
A Complete revamp of the search infrastructure to take advantage of Zend_Search_Lucene: Search and List from Unified Index |
1.32. Wordpress importer | |
Basic support for importing a Wordpress blog into Tiki using Wordpress WXR file. See Wordpress importer dev page and Wordpress importer documentation page. |
1.33. Zend Framework 1.11 | |
Tiki is updated from 1.10 to 1.11
1.34. Zotero | |
A plugin to Zotero to manage references.
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