TikiWiki Documentation | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Doc.Tiki News | |
News from doc.tw.o! | |
Editorial Board
(6137 Reads)
There have been many many improvements to TikiWiki Documentation and to this doc.tw.o site in the last months:
Welcome on board... |
Come in a decide on Documentation issues! | |
(8217 Reads)
Zero motions were passed or defeated last month, due to lack of participation:
All motions from the meeting in May were carried over the Editorial Board Meeting of June. Come and join us deciding on the Documentation project of Tikiwiki Community! |
Motions passed and defeated from the last EBM | |
(8981 Reads)
2 Motions Passed Last Month
Come and join us deciding on the Documentation project of Tikiwiki Community! |
December EB Meeting Underway | |
(9393 Reads)
The Editorial Board Meeting is now in progress for December 2007! Continued discussion on how to incorporate documentation and screenshots for 1.9.8 and 1.10 branches of Tiki. Also:
August EB Meeting Underway | |
(22430 Reads)
The Editorial Board Meeting August 2007 is now in progress! Many big changes and evolutions to the documentation structure are in play