History: Documentation
Source of version: 207
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{DIV(class="HomePage")} {TABS(name="dochome" tabs="Get Docs | What's New | Start with Tiki | Get Help" toggle="y" inside_pretty="n")} {DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-md-8")}The Tiki Documentation Suite consists of: !! Installation Guide The ((Tiki Installation Guide)) contains information on installing and upgrading Tiki, including tips and hints for specific platforms. Download {img src=img/icons/mime/pdf.png link=dl538 alt="PDF"} !! Reference Guide The ((Tiki Reference Guide)) includes information on each administration page, tab, and option. These pages contain reference links to detailed procedures and additional information. Links from the Tiki help system link to these pages. Download {img src=img/icons/mime/pdf.png link=dl539 alt="PDF"} !! User Guide The ((Tiki User Guide)) includes information for users and visitors of Tiki-powered websites. It includes information on the most common tasks, organized by ((All Features|Tiki Feature)). !! Administrator Guide ((Tiki Administrator Guide)) !! Learn More * ((Introduction)) * ((Annexes)) Did you find a problem with the documentation? Let us know: * ((Welcome Authors|Become an author)) and fix it! * Discuss it on the [http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=2|documentation forum].{DIV} {DIV(class="col-md-4 well")} Review the ((Tiki FAQs)) for frequently asked questions (and answers). ~tc~ {img src=img/help_icon.png link=Tiki+FAQs alt="FAQs" align=center} (image file not found) ~/tc~ ((New in version|See what's new in:)) * __((Tiki25|Tiki 25))__ * __((Tiki24|Tiki 24))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki23|Tiki 23))__ * __((Tiki22|Tiki 22))__ * __((Tiki21|Tiki 21))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki20|Tiki 20))__ * __((Tiki19|Tiki 19))__ * __((Tiki18|Tiki 18))__ (LTS) {FADE(label="Older versions" icon="y")} * __((Tiki17|Tiki 17))__ * __((Tiki16|Tiki 16))__ * __((Tiki15|Tiki 15))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki14|Tiki 14))__ * __((Tiki13|Tiki 13))__ * __((Tiki12|Tiki 12))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki11|Tiki 11))__ * __((Tiki10|Tiki 10))__ * __((Tiki9|Tiki 9))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki8|Tiki 8))__ * __((Tiki7|Tiki 7))__ * __((Tiki6|Tiki 6))__ (LTS) * __((Tiki5|Tiki 5))__ * __((Tiki4|Tiki 4))__ * __((Tiki3|Tiki 3))__ {FADE} {DIV}{DIV} ///// {DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-md-6")} The Tiki Documentation is a continual work-in-progress.{DIV}{DIV(class="col-md-6 well text-center")}{GROUP(groups="DocContributors|DocTwoAdmins|DocTwoEditors|Developers")}Review the ((Documentation Status)){GROUP}{DIV}{DIV} {DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-md-6")} {GROUP(groups="Registered")}{module module="since_last_visit_new" use_jquery_ui="y"}{ELSE}!!! Last Modifications {LIST()} {filter type="wiki page"} {sort mode="modification_date_desc"} {pagination max="20"} {LIST}{GROUP}{DIV}{DIV(class="col-md-6")} !!! The latest Tiki news {rss id="1" max="10" date="1" showtitle="0"} {DIV}{DIV} ///// !! {icon name=bolt} Become a Power User {DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 lead")} Learn how to {FANCYLIST()} 1) ((Download)) the current release. 2) ((Tiki Installation Guide|Install)) or ((Upgrade)) your Tiki. 3) ((Tiki Administrator Guide|Configure)) the features. 4) ((Tiki User Guide|Enjoy)) your website. {FANCYLIST}{DIV}{DIV} !! {icon name=pencil} Become an Author {DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 lead")}The Tiki documentation is a constant work in progress -- ((Welcome Authors|__you__ can help)) create and improve this site.{DIV}{DIV} !! {icon name=code} Become an Developer {DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 lead")}The Tiki project is supported by hundreds of developer and you can [https://dev.tiki.org/TikiDevNewbie|start contribute and commit your code] very quickly.{DIV}{DIV} !! {icon name=users} Join the community {DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 lead")}The ((Community|Tiki Community)) is a member-driven ((Model|"do-ocracy")). To facilitate this approach, we offer support, [https://doc.tiki.org|documentation] and tools that we, the ((Community)), maintain for the tiki.org websites as we "eat our own dogfood" to improve and ((Features|add features)) to the Tiki code. __[https://tiki.org/tiki-register.php?key=randomstring|Registration] is free and open to all, and you are warmly welcomed to join__.{DIV}{DIV} ///// !! {icon name=life-ring} Need Help? {DIV(width="33%" float="right")}{img src="tiki-download_file.php?fileId=20&display" alt="Ask for help" class="reflect ie6"}{DIV}Having problems? Be sure to ((All the Documentation|check the Tiki Documentation)), you will find most solutions there. Other places to check: * ((Tiki FAQs|Frequently Asked Questions)) (FAQs) * ((Tutorials|Tutorials and Videos)) * [http://tiki.org/forums|Tiki Support Forums] * [http://info.tiki.org/Consultants|Tiki Service Providers] (consultants) * The [http://tiki.org/Newsletter|Tiki Newsletter] {DIV(float=right,width="350px")}::__How to get help with Tiki__:: {mediaplayer fullscreen="true" flv="http://tv.tiki.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=18" style="maxi" autoload="1" loadonstop="1" buttonovercolor="1173a5" loadingcolor="1173a5" sliderovercolor="1173a5" showfullscreen="1" showiconplay="1" showstop="1" showtime="1" showvolume="1" startimage="show_image.php?id=567" top1="http://branding.tiki.org/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=8|10|10"}{DIV} Common topics include: * ((Initial Configuration)) * ((Tuning Tiki|Tuning and Performance)) * ((Troubleshooting)) * ((Welcome Authors|Author resources)) Good to know: * [http://tiki.org/WhoWhat|Who does what] / [http://tiki.org/Teams|Teams] * [http://tiki.org/Where|What do I find where] * [http://tiki.org/tiki-index.php|Tikicommunity] {TABS} !! Popular Tags Looking for help on a specific Tiki feature or topic? Here are the most popular tags: ^{module module="freetags_most_popular" type="cloud" max="75" notitle="y"}^ [tiki-browse_freetags.php|All tags...] {DIV}