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History: Tiki7

Source of version: 82

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            ! Tiki7
Tiki7 was planned for April 2011, but was released little late (early June 2011). See ((dev:Roadmap)) and ((dev:Tiki7))

^ There has been an extensive cleanup of the code of the trackers feature in March 2011. If you use trackers, make sure to test thoroughly an upgrade on a backup copy of your data and report any issues. 

[http://www.theie6countdown.com/|We have dropped support for Internet Explorer 6.0]. If you need to support IE6 in your organization, stay on ((Tiki6)) ((dev:Long Term Support)). Related: ((dev:Browser Compatibility))

Release notes are here: [http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes7.0]

List of changes:
{maketoc levels="2,3"}

~~grey:''(alphabetically sorted)''~~

!!# Accounting 
((Accounting)). See [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=30948|first commit]

!!# Action log
((Action log)) records new actions:
* categorize or uncategorize wiki pages.
* wiki attachment

!!# Autoload
Tiki7 uses [http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php|Autoload]

!!# Canonical URLs
For better Search Engine Optimization, new option are added for Canonical URLs (only for wiki pages for now) and this improves meta-tags and sefurls admin panels.

!!# CodeMirror
See [#Syntax_Highlighter]

!!# Comments
* archived comments: admins can archive or unarchive comments. This feature can be controlled on the Comments admin panel and is off by default.

!!# Content Organizer
See ((Content Organizer))

!!# CSS
See [#Theme_styles]

!!# Draw with SVG-edit

!!# File Gallery
Two new options:
* Use file galleries for wiki attachments
* Use file galleries for user files

!!# Flagged Revisions
Flagged revisions rely on trusted users to mark revisions of a page as good or safe. Trusted users can see all revisions and flag/unflag revisions as needed. A notice at the top of the page will offer these options and allow to navigate to the latest version or the last approved version. 

For more information, see ((Flagged Revisions))

!!# HTML5
* Tiki7 will be moving to ((HTML5))

HTML5 is mostly backwards compatible, so people with newer browsers will take advantage of the enhancements and the other won't really be affected.

!!# In-browser code editing
See [#Syntax_highlighter]

!!# Interactive translation and "Edit or export languages" page
Continuing the work done for Tiki5 and Tiki6, several improvements to interactive translation and "Edit or export languages" (tiki-edit_languages.php) were done for Tiki7.
* It is not necessary anymore to go to tiki-edit_languages.php to enable or disable interactive translation mode. You can simply click on the interactive translation button on the "Quick Admin" area. The button now is smarter and will preserve the current page instead of redirecting you to tiki-edit_languages.php.

::{img fileId=351 thumb=y rel=box[g]} ::

* Before Tiki7 to be able to use "Edit language" tab on tiki-edit_languages.php to edit or add translations for a particular language you had to first import all the translations for that language to the database or translate any string using interactive translation. Now it is possible to add or edit translations directly. Thus the tab to import language.php to database was removed from tiki-edit_languages.php.
* Custom pagination code was replaced by Tiki standard pagination system for tiki-edit_languages.php
* New features for "Edit languages" tab make it easier to collaboratively translate Tiki (through [http://i18n.tiki.org]):
** Checkbox to list only database stored translations
** When a translation in the database is different from the one on language.php shows the original translation and a diff between the two
** Show who did the translation and when

::{img fileId=352 thumb=y rel=box[g]} ::

!!# Menus
At the "Admin Menus" screen for the standard Application menu you will no longer have the usual Edit, Configure/Options Action icons. Instead you will see a RESET button and the clone icon.

Therefore, in order to edit the main application menu, you have to clone it and use a copy for your edited versions.

!!# Mobile with jQuery Mobile
Tiki Mobile with [http://www.hawhaw.de/|HAWHAW] was first released in 2004 and it was impressive for the time.  Nowadays, phones are much more powerful and now that Tiki6 ((dev:Version lifecycle|LTS)) is done, it's now time to make major changes. Thus, we are moving to [http://jquerymobile.com|jQuery Mobile]. [http://MobileESP.com|MobileESP] will handle device detection.

!!# Modules
!!! Payment outstanding
New module to show outstanding payments of current user.
See ((Module payment_outstanding))
!!! Module Revamp
All the top & bottom section has been revamp and now everything (ex.: logo, login box, etc.) is a drag & drop module -> http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules

Also, modules are filtered with a feature check. If the blog feature is off, all blog modules are hidden by default.
!!! Module TrackerHelp
A button allows to copy in a ((Pretty Tracker)) format all the fields in the current textarea of a edit wiki page. See ((Module TrackerHelp)).

!!# OpenStreetMap
((OpenStreetMap)) integration to Tiki via [http://openlayers.org/|OpenLayers]

!!# Passwords
New option to have password different from login.

!!# Payments
Allow payments to be restricted to be seen only by user that is supposed to be pay it (common use case)

!!# Plugins
!!!# Parser improvements
This will permit easier plugin-in-plugin embedding.

!!!# Pending approval notification 
There is a setting called "__Plugin pending notification__" in "__Admin home > Editing and plugins > Plugins (tab)__", which allows users in groups with the permission ''tiki_p_plugin_approve'' to receive an email notification each time a new plugin call is added in a wiki page as pending approval.

See ((Plugins)) for more information.

!!!# Plugin GroupExpiry
A plugin to show the expiry of a group a user is in. 
See ((PluginGroupExpiry)).

!!!# Plugin GetAccessToken
This plugin is designed for an admin to display a link on a secure page to another page using a security access token. This might be useful where on one page which is accessible to users through a token, the user needs to be able to access another secondary page using a different token.

See ((PluginGetAccessToken))

!!!# PluginSlideshow
It configures a slideshow: it extends the existing wiki page slideshow with notes & styles.
See ((PluginSlideshow))

!!!# PluginTrackerList: new param 'tplwiki'
A new param "tplwiki" has been introduced to allow having the same little parsing that tpl's on disk had but this time through wiki pages also. This improvement prevents former issues with smarty parsing ((PluginR|R code)) from trackers item smarty templates (pretty trackers) in wiki pages. 

!!!# PluginTrackerToggle
This plugin allows to toggle the visibility of an HTML element like a div depending on the value of a field. They can be used in Pretty trackers.

See ((PluginTrackerToggle))

!!!# Plugins UI
See ((dev:PluginUI))
* force check for plugin required params (before was possible to insert a plugin with a required field empty)
* now is possible to define a relation between two params so that the child param is only displayed if a specific value of the parent param is selected

!!!# Plugins for Videos: Blip.tv and Vimeo added
Two new plugins have been added to make it easier to add videos from Blip.tv or Vimeo. They are similar to Youtube plugin.

!!# Profiles exporter
* ((pr:Save current configuration as a profile))

{img src=display599 width="600" rel=box[g] imalign="center"} 
!!# Slideshow
Slideshow has undergone massive improvements, including
* Uses themes from [http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/|jQueryUI ThemeRoller]

!!# Smarty tables
Code has been cleaned up and made more consistant, for a better UI and easier themeability

!!# SOAP
* [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=31291|SOAP Tiki server + SOAP client in webservices admin]

!!# Spreadsheet
It has been even more AJAX-ified, so that the edit interface loads in the browser, without the need to contact the server at that point.

!!# Syntax Highlighter
Tiki is now using [http://codemirror.net/|CodeMirror] as a syntax highlighter and indentation helper, which allows to highlight syntax in real time when the user is typing it. It will also help with auto indentation of code (when required in some syntax) while typing it. 

The first step in the implementation has been in ((PluginCode)) and ((PluginR)), but the goal is to extend it somehow to any textarea used in most Tiki features. 

See ((Syntax Highlighter))

{img src="display459" rel="box[g]" imalign="center"}

!!# Theme generator
* ((Theme Generator))

!!# Theme styles
There have been quite a few changes in the theme style architecture in Tiki7.

See: http://themes.tiki.org/Upgrading 

!!# Trackers
!!!# Exporting in yaml (for profiles)
Trackers allow exporting a tracker structure in the yaml format used in ((Profiles))

!!!# New permission to view attachments
A new permission has been introduced to control which groups can view & download tracker item attachments (''tiki_p_tracker_view_attachments'')
!!# WebDAV access to wiki pages
* ((WebDAV access to Wiki Pages))

!!# Unified Search
A Complete revamp of the search infrastructure to take advantage of [http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.search.lucene.html|Zend_Search_Lucene]: ((Search Index))

!!# Wordpress importer
Basic support for importing a Wordpress blog into Tiki using Wordpress WXR file. See ((dev:Wordpress importer|Wordpress importer dev page)) and ((Wordpress importer|Wordpress importer documentation page)).

!!# Zend Framework 1.11
Tiki is updated from 1.10 to 1.11

!!# Zotero
A plugin to ((dev:Zotero)) to manage references.


!! Upgrade notes
Besides reading the general ((Upgrade)) notes, keep in mind also that Tiki 7 introduces several major changes from prior versions. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you should be aware of the following:
* Extensive changes to Trackers as part of the on-going [http://dev.tiki.org/tracker+roadmap|Tracker Re-vamp]. If you are using trackers, make sure to do a test upgrade and test everything with latest available release of 7.x before you upgrade.
** for example, __Tracker field IDs and names__ may have changed.  and to improve consistency, all tracker fields now use __ins_''XX''__, where __''XX''__ is the __fieldId__. %%% If you use custom jQuery or other code with trackers, you will need to update the code to reflect this change.
* Extensive changes to __[http://dev.tiki.org/Modules+Revamp|Module use and management]__.
* __[http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules|Custom header and footer areas]__ in themes have been replaced with modules.
* The wiki plugin parser has been revamped to be more future-proof and powerful. However, it tends to be less permissive of incorrectly formatted syntax. So if a plugin was working in 6, but not in 7, check the syntax to see if it's correct. You could have a quote or parenthesis missing.

__PHP 5.1 support dropped__
The minimal version of PHP required by Tiki was raised from 5.1 to __5.2__. Systems with PHP 5.1 should upgrade PHP or keep using Tiki 6, which will be supported until approximately 2013.

!!! Introduction to upgraders from old versions
If you are migrating to ((Tiki7)) from Tiki versions earlier than ((Tiki6)), you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as:
* ((Tiki6))
* ((Tiki5))
* ((Tiki4))
* ((Tiki3))

!!! Steps
Remember these steps if you are upgrading from a previous version up to 7.
# Read the general [http://doc.tiki.org/Upgrade&structure=Tiki+Installation+Guide|Upgrade] notes, if you haven't done so in the last few years.
# Remember to run setup.sh again (if you have console access).
# Beware of changes in modules and their management:
+ [http://dev.tiki.org/Modules+Revamp]
# Check these two pages for notes specific on upgrading your theme style:
** [https://themes.tiki.org/Upgrading] 
** [https://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules]
+ Keep in mind that your Custom site header might be gone, in which case you'll need to manually re-do it using module management.
+ In other cases, custom top bar code or other custom sections you had coded in __Admin Home > Look & Feel > General Layout Options__ might be misplaced. If so, go to __Admin > Modules__ and set the proper order of the modules (see [http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules|Theme Header Modules] for more information on the proper order for header modules).
# You might need to re-approve some of your plugin calls. 
+ Go to http://yourdomain/__tiki-plugins.php__ as admin and approve them all (after revision, if needed, as always)

-=Pages linking to Tiki7=-

(alias(Tiki7.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki7)) | (alias(TikiWiki7.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 7.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 7))



Information Version
Marc Laporte Stop apologizing 93
Marc Laporte 92
Marc Laporte 91
Yves Kipondo 90
Marc Laporte 89
Marc Laporte 88
Marc Laporte 87
Bernard Sfez 86
Marc Laporte 85
Marc Laporte 84
Marc Laporte Proper case 83
Xavier de Pedro 82
Xavier de Pedro 81
Xavier de Pedro added the release notes from t.o 80
Xavier de Pedro added PluginTrackerToggle 77
Xavier de Pedro 76
Xavier de Pedro added pluginslideshow which seems that it was introduced in tiki7 75
Xavier de Pedro 74
Xavier de Pedro info added on new perm for 'Can view tracker items attachments and download' (tiki_p_tracker_view_attachments) added 73
Xavier de Pedro 72
Marc Laporte 71
Marc Laporte 70
Xavier de Pedro added tot the documentation toc structure 69
Marc Laporte 68
Marc Laporte 67
Philippe Cloutier remove broken upgrade link 66
Philippe Cloutier move upgrade notes to release notes 65
Marc Laporte 64
Marc Laporte 63
Xavier de Pedro 62
Xavier de Pedro 61
Jonny Bradley 60
Xavier de Pedro Image Plugin modified by editor. 59
Xavier de Pedro 58
Marc Laporte 56
Marc Laporte 55
Marc Laporte 54
Marc Laporte 53
Marc Laporte 52
Marc Laporte 51
Marc Laporte 50
Marc Laporte 49
Marc Laporte 48
Marc Laporte 47
Marc Laporte 46
Marc Laporte 45
Marc Laporte 44
Marc Laporte 43
Marc Laporte 42
Marc Laporte 41
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