Mod xspf_player

XSPF Web Music Player is a flash-based web application that uses xspf playlist format to play mp3 songs. XSPF is the XML Shareable Playlist Format. The software is written in Actionscript 2.

See for more information



See Mods Admin for instructions on how to install a Mod.


Once installed, you will see some new lines under the Wiki "edit > wiki help > Show Plugins Help":

Copy to clipboard

Info from sourceforce on the player.


have no idea if the wikiplugin is supporting these.

playlist_url : the url of the xspf file to load
autoplay : boolean value that make the music start without the initial user click
autoload : boolean value that make the playlist load without the initial user click
repeat_playlist : boolean value that make the repeats the playlist after the end of the last song playlist_size : number of tracks to limit
player_title : the text to replace the players default's
info_button_text : the text to display on the info link, see this page
radio_mode : boolean value, if true tells the player that the last track of playlist is in real a new playlist location. more info

The music player can also be used to play single mp3 files instead of playlists, the parameters are:
song_url : the url of the single mp3 you want to play
song_title : the text to replace the players default's
If you want to use the button player, there is a test page to custom the button and generate the html code.


If this Mod is related to a plugin, the following code,

Copy to clipboard

Would produce:

( screenshot needed)

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