
Editorial Board Meeting 2008 10


This is a meeting of the Editorial Board - it runs online from (month) 1 to (month) 28/29/30/31.

  • Undecided motions are carried over to the next month.
  • Passing a motion requires 50% plus one of the current members.
  • Members who didn't participate in the last two meetings (either missed them or too new contributors to the Editorial Board) are not considered current, and are encouraged to keep contributing to the Editorial Board meetings in the following months.
  • Members considered current for this meeting (6): chibaguy, dthacker, luci, marclaporte, ricks99, xavi
    Passing or defeating a motion will require 4 votes this month.
  • Contributors to this meeting: chibaguy, luci, mlpvolt (MLP), ricks99, xavi (+ add your name if you vote for anything)

Last meeting: Editorial Board Meeting 2008 08 (no meeting on september'08) | Next meeting: Editorial Board Meeting 2009 05


List Slides
Editorial Board Meeting 2008 10 NEW CONTRIBUTORS: Please Read This is a meeting of the Editorial Board - it runs online from (month) 1 to (month) 28/29/30/31. Undecided motions are carried over to the next month. Passing a motion requires 50% plus one of the current members . Members who didn't participate in the last two meetings (either missed them or too new contributors to the Editorial Board ) are not considered current , and are encouraged to keep contributing to the Editorial Board meetings in the following months. Members considered current for this meeting (6): chibaguy, dthacker, luci, marclaporte, ricks99, xavi Passing or defeating a motion will require 4 votes this month. Contributors to this meeting: chibaguy, luci, mlpvolt (MLP), ricks99, xavi (+ add your name if you vote for anything) Last meeting: Editorial Board Meeting 2008 08 (no meeting on september'08) | Next meeting: Editorial Board Meeting 2009 05 {MAKETOCBOX(float=>right)}{MAKETOCBOX}