See also Rating and Deliberation.

Plugin Convene

This wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki9, allows users to convene a date from a list of alternatives. Users indicate their preferences and the best option is highlighted as the best date for such convention.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge


You need to have the calendar feature enabled, and at least one calendar created for this feature to work.

How to use it

The first step is to call the plugin within a wiki page, either by the popup helper as usual for plugins, or directly by means of adding this text to a wiki page:

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Then, when you save the page, Tiki will check whether you have all the required tiki features enabled. If not, and in case you have admin rights, you will be offered from that page to enable those required features (PluginConvene itself and the calendar feature)


Once the required features are enabled, in that same wiki page you will be offered the option to provide the first user and date to create a new convention proposal:


As user you can use any name (a registered username in Tiki or not), and for the date you will be allowed to select a date from a popup calendar with time sliders below for easy selection:


Once the selection is saved, the user will have the option to add new proposed dates for the convention/meeting by means of the icon on the left column:


After the initial set of options for the convention/meeting are set, the page will look like something like this for anonymous users visiting the website:


When logged in as a user with admin perms, you will see afew other icons which allow you to keep adding new date options or new users:


All data from users choices is stored in the wiki page, and therefore, there is a history of changes from which users and/or ip's, as with any other wiki page in Tiki.

Last, see again the options allowed by all icons in the pluginconvene interface:


Custom background colors

You can use custom colors in your tiki site for the background of the cells. Example:

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.convene-ok { background-color: #6d6; } .convene-no { background-color: #d66; } .convene-unconfirmed { background-color: #eee; }

Or even set background color to transparent (none) or white, as you wish.

Time zones

  • Each user adds their time and date in their time zone, and it will automatically be stored as UTC time.


  • A param dateformat exists to indicate that date and time has to be shown in "short" (default) or "long" formats, following the site-wide parameter specified elsewhere by the admin Control Panels > General > Date and time > Formats

Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one
Introduced in Tiki 9.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_convene, feature_calendar

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Convene data generated from user input
title Title for the event Convene 9.0
autolock datetime Lock this plugin at a certain time and date (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm 20.2
id text Leave blank automatically generate. 23.0
minvotes digits Minimum number of votes needed to show Add-to-Calendar icon, so that new users do not see a potentially confusing icon before the convene has enough information on it 3 10.3
dateformatother text Use a custom format string for the dates using PHP "DateTime::format" parameters, e.g. D j M h:i 23.0
calendarid digits ID number of the site calendar in which to store the date for the events with the most votes 1 9.0
dateformat (blank)
Display date and time in short or long format, according to the site wide setting (or use "other" to specify a custom format below) short 9.0
locked (blank)
Prevent further votes or changes from the interface. n 20.2
adminperms (blank)
Only admins can edit or delete other users' votes and dates. N.B. This is a guide only as if a user can edit the page they can change this setting, it is intended to make the plugin easier to use for most users. y 9.0
avatars (blank)
Show user's profile pictures next to their names. y 9.0
separator: ,
Comma-separated for personalized set of vote options -1=Not OK,0=Unconfirmed,1=OK 24.0


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