Rating is way for users to evaluate tiki content, such as wiki pages, comments, articles or tracker items. For 'Advanced Ratings & Calculation Syntax' please visit 'Calculations'.
Using 'Rating' in Tiki, visitors can provide feedback like:
* Did this page help you solve the issue?
* Was this page easy to understand?
* How much agreement do you have with the author's opinion in that article?
* How much do you agree with that comment?
Admin panel
You can switch most settings related to Rating in its admin panel at tiki-admin.php?page=rating ("Admin home > Rating")
A few other settings are in other admin panels. See below.
Standard Rating system in Wiki pages
Submitting proposals through using Wiki pages and their rating system
You need to have enabled these features:
- "Admin > Wiki > Rating"
- "Admin > Features > Polls"
Check that registered (or anonymous, whatever you prefer) have the global permission to view and vote ratings (set that to your choice). And you can modify that with local permissions on individual objects (review Permissions Settings , if needed).
Then you need to create a poll template under "Admin > Polls" (tiki-admin_polls.php - option in the main application menu, under the admin section):

...and add some options to this poll template:

Later on you will be able to select this poll template at wiki edition time.

And then, you'll be able to see the results from that rating on that page, or you'll be able to rate that page (if you have enough permissions).
You'll see the "Rating" box on the top right corner of the page.

Clicking on that box, you'll see the current results of the poll votes:

And after clicking on the vote link (on top of the box), you'll be able to insert your vote to that page through that poll.

Select an option ("Good" at the screenshot) and click on the vote button. This will record your option, and after you go to see the results again, you'll see:

And whenever another person rates the page, you'll see your option highlighted (in yellow in tikineat.css theme style), but not the options of the other users ("Very good", in this screenshot).

Simple ratings in Wiki pages
Enable the feature "Admin home > Rating > Wiki > Simple wiki ratings" and "Wiki rating options:" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; or less/more options than those)
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
- wiki > tiki_p_wiki_vote_ratings
- tiki > tiki_p_ratings_view_results
The simple rating is shown at the bottom of the page, just above the button bar:
Users ratings in Articles
Enable the feature "Admin home > Articles > General Settings > User ratings on articles", and set the options here: "Article rating options:" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; or less/more options than those)
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
- articles > tiki_p_rate_article
- tiki > tiki_p_ratings_view_results
You can see a few examples below depending on the features enabled, and the permissions of the group of users involved.
1. Example of simple display of results for anonymous users, without the permission to vote, but with the permission to view the rating results, and without detailed results nor colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below.
2. Example of simple display of results for registered users, with the permissions to vote and to view the rating results, and without detailed results nor colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below
3. Example of detailed display of results for registered users, with the permissions to vote and to view the rating results, and without colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below.
4. Example of detailed display of results for registered users, with the permissions to vote and to view the rating results, and with colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below.
Users ratings in Comments
Enable the feature "Admin home > Rating > Comments > Simple wiki comment ratings" and "Wiki rating options:" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; or less/more options than those)
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
- comments > tiki_p_vote_comments
- tiki > tiki_p_ratings_view_results
See an example in the screenshots above.
Users ratings in Forums
To set it up:
- Create or Edit a forum and enable: "Posts can be rated"
- While editing the forum, choose whether to show the "User information display > Topic Rating" by each user (Tiki12.2+)
- Set the rating options at "Admin Home" > Ratings" > "Comments" > "Simple wiki comment ratings" > "Wiki rating options:" (0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; or less/more options than those)
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
- forums > tiki_p_forum_vote
- tiki > tiki_p_ratings_view_results
Example of the thread list in a forum, showing results for the first message of every thread (thread topic), with detailed results and rating smileys both enabled.
If we visit one of those threads of that forum, we can see that the rating shown in the threads list corresponds to the rating of the thread topic (first message of the thread). Replies to that topic can also be rated by users.
Since Tiki12.2, there is a new forum setting to allow the optional display of the Rating by each user to that forum thread topic in each reply.
This is useful to ease the task to reach consensus on deliberations (in forum threads) by identifying in a more clear way the position (topic rating) of each person on that topic at each moment on the discussion.
Let's see for instance, an example of discussion thread started by user admin, and replied (and rated) bu user1 and user2, providing different rating values each one of those users to the main topic of the discussion thread.
User1 would see this page displaying his/her choice in the form to rate the main topic of the forum thread:
Notice that user 1 has the option to rate also the replies made by others users, but not his own post.
Similarly, user2 sees his/her choice in the form to rate the main topic of the forum thread, and has the option to rate also the replies made by others users (user1), but not his own post:
Users Ratings in Trackers
In Tiki12 there is no need to enable the feature sitewide for trackers, but to enable the tracker field Ratings, in case it is disabled in your site. You can enable it at "Admin home > Trackers > Field types > Rating".
In earlier Tiki versions, some other features also allowed to set up a rating system in Tiki with trackers, but they are currently (as Tiki12 at least) mostly deprecated:
- Edit a tracker > Features > "Allow ratings (deprecated, use rating field)"
- Admin home > Trackers > Field types > Stars (deprecated)
- Admin home > Trackers > Field types > Stars (system)
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
- trackers > tiki_p_tracker_vote_ratings
- trackers > tiki_p_tracker_revote_ratings
- trackers > tiki_p_tracker_view_ratings
Example for Submitting proposals through Trackers and their rating system (Tiki6)
Create a new tracker with "rating" selected

Add some tracker fields, like the ones in the figure:

Nowadays, you can go to the tracker, from "Trackers > List Trackers", and select your tracker from the list ("Proposals" in this example). You'll see the insert form:

Fill in the tracker with some items, and rate the tracker items. For instance:

At this stage, you can also use some wiki plugins: TRACKER and TRACKERLIST plugins.
Let's see how can they be used, for instance. In a wiki page, we can add:
{TRACKER(trackerId=>1, fields=>1:2:3, action=>Name of submit button, showtitle=>y, showdesc=>y, showmandatory=>y, embedded=>y)}Notice to users when submitting the tracker item{TRACKER}
This would produce (just below the "Register WPE with the People's Congress", starting with a title bar called "Proposals", which is the tracker title):

And the TRACKERLIST plugin can be used like in here:
!!! Proposals with high agreement {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>1,fields=>1:2:3, showtitle=>y, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>y, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, max=>10, filterfield=>3, filtervalue=>5, exactvalue=>5)}Notice to users{TRACKERLIST}
Which would produce this filtered list on the wiki page itself:

More information
More information at the tutorials: