User Bookmarks
From the user preferences screen you will see a link to user bookmarks if you have enabled this feature.
The user bookmarks section let users bookmark any URL and organize their bookmarks in folders and subfolders, Tiki can also cache the current content of any page if the user has the permission to cache bookmarks. The user bookmarks screen is like this one:

Users can create or edit folders and subfolders and add links to the current folder, each link can be edited or removed. If caching is enabled then a link to the cached version of the bookmark will be provided. Navigating bookmarks is easy. You can click on a folder to enter it, once in a folder a special .. folder can be used to go to the parent folder. For instance, in the example shown, when you click on the folder icon (
) at the left of "Tikiwiki Community", you will view its contents (4 links in total):

The previous number 4 meant the total number of links including all subfolders on them. In this example, there were three in a child folder of level 1, and another in the child folder "Developers resources" in level 2.

The user bookmarks module
What makes user bookmarks more attractive to users is the user bookmarks module. This module will be displayed as follows:
insert graphic
The module can be used to navigate existing bookmarks, you can click on a folder to enter it and you can click on a link to open it, you can remove bookmarks using the x link if you want. The module will remember the current folder so it won t be changed even if you navigate to any section of tiki. There s an input box and two buttons below the module that work as follows:
- Entering a name and clicking mark will create a new bookmark to the current URL (the current tiki page) with the provided name
- Entering a name and clicking new creates a new folder in the current folder.
If you click mark without entering a name from any tiki page Tiki will try to guess a good name for the bookmark using the following reasoning:
- If the page is a wiki page the name will be the name of the Page
- If you are reading an article the name will be the article s title
- If you are reading a FAQ the name will be the FAQ title
- If you are reading a weblog the name will be the weblog title
- If you are browsing an image gallery the name will be the name of the gallery
- If you are browsing a file gallery the name will be tha name of the gallery
- If you are viewing an image tha name will be the image s name
So you can use the user bookmarks module to quick-bookmark sections of Tiki that will be remembered every time you log in, and can be accessed from the bookmars module from any Tiki section.
Social Bookmarking
How about allowing users to share their bookmarks with other users of the same Tiki? (Internal-only Tiki sites can't use
See also Directory