Shadowbox feature allows adding fancy effects on image galleries, images, modules and content once enabled. It requires mootools or jquery enabled also in Admin > Features in order to work.
Shadowbox 1.0 is third party LGPL-ed JS library which adds eye candy for displaying images and other documents including multimedia (Please note that Shadowbox 2.0 is not used, because of author's change to incompatible license).
It can be enabled on Admin → Features and requires any JS framework of your choice (it has adapters for jQuery, Mootools, Prototype, ExtJS, etc...).
We recommend Mootools which is already included in Tiki. To make Shadowbox work out of the box just be sure Mootools are enabled as well.
Tiki 2.0+ only
In case you are using custom tiki.tpl or header.tpl files from previous 1.9 theme styles, you'll need to upgrade your customized files from the default ones for Tiki 2.0+.
See for more info about Shadowbox.
Currently Tiki supports Shadowbox in:
- Image Galleries
- File Gallery
- Wiki syntax for links (see wiki help while editing a wiki page)
Copy to clipboard[|tw.o in Shadowbox|shadowbox|nocache] - Wiki syntax for wiki uploaded images
Copy to clipboard{img src='' rel='shadowbox[gallery]' title='Admin Panel Screenshot'} - Wiki syntax for images from a File Gallery [Upcoming Tiki 3.0+]
(notice the &.jpg on the end of the link URL - it tricks Shadowbox into displaying it as an image, not an iframe which is the default for PHP URLs)Copy to clipboard{img src=tiki-download_file.php?fileId=42&display&scale=.3 link=/tiki/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=42&display&.jpg rel=shadowbox}
or(here the ";type=image" shadowbox parameter does the trick)Copy to clipboard{img src=tiki-download_file.php?fileId=42&display&scale=.3 link=/tiki/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=42&display rel=shadowbox;type=img}
orCopy to clipboard[tiki-print.php?page=Shadowbox|See this page in a popup|shadowbox]
This is an example:

See: Image Gallery Config for more information.