Custom Home Page
By default, TikiWiki uses the wiki page named HomePage as your site's home page. A default HomePage is created automatically during installation. You can change your home page by using one of these methods:
- To select a different TikiWiki feature to use as the home page (such as the forum or an image gallery), select the feature in the Home Page field of the General Admin->Navigation tab.
- To use a different URL as the home page, enable the Use URL Index option on the General Admin->Navigation tab and include the complete URL (Use different URL as homepage).
- Use the custom home page template
- To have a home page assigned for each / by group enable Use group homepages. Check Group Home Page for details.
Custom Home Page Template
[+]Group Homes
Similarly, you can set up group home pages, where upon login, users are sent to the home page of their group. If they are a member of several groups, the Default group is chosen. Please see Groups