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You can create Machine Learning models from scratch or from templates


The template is the best approach to begin creating your machine learning model. It allows us to create a machine learning model based on commonly observed problems, for example the MLT.

Available Templates

Actually Tiki only support one template :

More Like This (MLT)

The MLT template solves the problems associated with suggesting similar content (finds documents that are "like" a given set of documents).
This emulates Module More Like This
More info: https://github.com/RubixML/RubixML/issues/75

Transformers and Learners for MoreLikeThis

Transformers and Applied Learners Arguments
WordCountVectorizer maxVocabulary :1000 , minDocumentFrequency :1 ,maxDocumentFrequency: 500 ,okenizer :default
BM25Transformer alpha :1.2 , beta :0.75
KDNeighbors k:20, weighted:true, tree : BallTree
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
175 display1748.gif Model Template More Like This configuration Nat Okpe 69.13 Kb 17
95 2020-10-20-machine-learning-models.png Marc Laporte 14.68 Kb 67