OS X Install
Installation of Tikiwiki in OS X is surprisingly simple, admininstering and setting it up is more of a challenge.
If you are on a mac, be sure to check out Mac Tools.
- Install, with dependencies: webmin, mysql5, php5
This assumes a remote installation (eg. installing on a server space given by your ISP), but mostly holds true for local installations, too.
Other install Docs:
- InstallTiki (general install docs)
- InstallTikiDoc (install under Linux/Apache - use as a cross reference to this document)
1. Download TikiWikihttp://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki
- Get the most current non Beta release package (Oddly Sourceforge highlights the package you want with a dark background which often makes me skip right by the one I really want)
2. Move Source package to Web server (do this before expanding it since the one file
archive will move much faster than the unpacked files)
I moved it to:
- Webserver/Library/WebServer/hosts/tikiwiki_1.7.1.1.tar.gz
- (5 MB 5,301,850 Bytes 349 items)
3. Unpack the files:
- the docs suggest the tar xvjf tikiwiki_1.7.tar.bz2 command
- OSX doesn't seem to support the j flag so I couldn't do that. After playing with the man pages for a while and not figuring it out I gave up and TibukTu'd to the server and use Expander and the GUI to unpack
- I renamed the unpacked directory (from tikiwiki_1.7.1.1):
- Webserver/Library/WebServer/hosts/tiki.hostname.ca
- (25.5MB 17,565,522 Bytes)
- Webserver/Library/WebServer/hosts/tiki.hostname.ca
NB: Apache on OS X runs as user:group www:www
4. Set permissions on the setup script:
- Use ssh to connect to the server and go to the directory where you installed, to make the setup script executable.

chmod 755 setup.sh
5. Run the setup script:
The setup script will set up a few directories for your site. It must be run as root,
it's first two arguments are the user and group you want the directories it sets
up to belong to (the ones Apache can write to/belongs to)

sudo sh setup.sh fix -n User [nobody]: www -n Group [nobody]: www
For advanced use you can use the setup script to set up multiple tiki sites using
the same code - this is good since you would only have to upgrade one install
on the serve to upgrade multiple sites, and it will save 25MB of duplicated files
for multiple sites. It doesn't look terrifyingly difficult.
- InstallMultipleTikis Purports to have more info on this, but:
- You actually want to go to this page: InstallVirtualHosting
6. Change the ownership of tiki-install.php so it can automatically be renamed
after it has been used (so it can't be re-run accidentally)

sudo chown www:www tiki-install.php
NB: If you don't do this, remember to delete/rename it afterwards.
7. Set up DNS
Use webmin to make new A-records for the domain you want to be your new tiki site.
Set up Apache Virtual Hosts
I added this to the proper http.conf file:
ServerName tiki.hostname.ca
ServerAlias blog.hostname.ca
DirectoryIndex index.php
CustomLog '|"/usr/sbin/rotatelogs"
"/Library/WebServer/logs/tiki.hostname.ca/access_log" 604800'
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""
ErrorLog "/dev/null"
DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/hosts/tiki.hostname.ca"
To be Investigated for the Virtual host setup:
Is there any protection I should put on the file with the database information on it (security) if there is any php optimization i should put in, and what the error page setup should be. I also may be able to bail on the Apache log if Tiki keeps its own log.
Good suggestion, but I want to note that this step (#7) is not necessary. For example, my wiki lives at http://host.ca/tiki It is merely prettier/sometimes more convenient to turn that directory into http://tiki.host.ca. Again, good suggestion, but only if it fits your needs. Otherwise it is only extra configuration that causes you to make possibly unnecessary changes to DNS and apache. (Yes, OF COURSE feel free to remove/remodel this entry if it offends. Thanks!) -MattMccabe 08/08/2005
8. Create MySQL Database
i used phpMySQL to set up a database tiki and a user tiki I set up the user tiki to have every privilege on the tiki database, only allow localhost connections, and no privilege on other databases. Given my basic understanding of MySQL security this should be pretty secure. You might want to use a GUI program for this, like phpmyadmin, Navicat, CocoaMySQL...
9. Restart Apache (needs admin password)

sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl graceful
10. Log in and Confugure your Tiki
In my case: http://tiki.hostname.ca/tiki-install.php
You will need your database information:
- host: localhost
- user: tiki
- pass: whatever you chose
- database: tiki
Submit and you move to:
Same page, but this time it will offer to create or update your database - choose create.
Moves to same page - gives result of database creation (if you check in phpmyadmin you will see it created 161 tables)
There will be links to try to remove the install script (tiki-install.php), or just enter the tiki - try to remove. (sadly the remove didn't work for me - probalby I needed to change the permissions on the enclosing directory not the file. I'm still at Unix baby steps) if yours doesn't remove either Manually change the install script the same way tikiwiki just tried to:
mv tiki-install.php tiki-install.done
Move onto the main tiki page:
your default login is user: admin pass: admin - it will ask you to change it. Do it 😀
Congratulations - you have installed Tikiwiki under Mac OS X.
Page Style choices:
- ThemesDoc as of I've found that only moreneat, neat, olive, and Subsilver ( StylesMoreneat , StylesNeat , StylesOlive , StylesSubsilver ) don't have obvious display problems on IE 5.2 and Safari. I haven't tested other browsers....