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Display a user's profile picture

Plugin Avatar

This wiki plugin displays a user's profile picture and can make it a link to another page.


Display a user's profile picture
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_avatar

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) username
fullsize If full-size images are stored in the file gallery, show the full-size image. n 10.0
float (blank)
Align the profile picture on the page 1
page The wiki page the profile picture will link to. If empty and the user's information is public, then the profile picture will link automatically the that user's user information page 1


Float right

This code:

Copy to clipboard

Would produce on this site:

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Saturday 03 August, 2019 08:08:23 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.