deprecated and killed
In Tiki 7 we started to move from GoogleMaps (GMap) to OpenStreetMaps, respectively OpenLayers, which offers a GoogleMap layer. Latest since Tiki 13 we are using only OpenLayer (OpenStreetMap) and step b step remove(d) ll code from old MaServer and GMap.
Please visit the following pages, if you want to use Maps in Tiki:
OpenLayers, Maps, PluginMaps
Plugin GoogleMap
This is deprecated and removed from Tiki12 because of API changes by Google. Use PluginMap instead. Ref:
This wiki plugin will display a Google Map.
Usage and Parameters
To use this plugin in a wiki page, use the syntax:
Syntax for the ... plugin
Copy to clipboard
{GOOGLEMAP(type=locator|user|item|objectlist, mode=normal|satellite|hybrid, key=XXXXX, name=xxx, width=500, height=400, frameborder=1|0, defaultx=-79.4, defaulty=43.707, defaultz=14, setdefaultxyz=1|0, locateitemtype=wiki page|..., locateitemid=xxx, hideifnone=0|1, togglehidden=0|1, starthidden=0|1, autozoom=14)}{GOOGLEMAP}
Requires Ajax to be enabled (Admin Home > Features > Experimental (tab)).