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Hold a video/audio/chat/presentation session using BigBlueButton

Plugin BigBlueButton

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki5, to invoke a BigBlueButton in a page.


Tiki Doc From Code error: bigbluebutton not found
You should give both tiki_p_bigbluebutton_join, tiki_p_bigbluebutton_create and tiki_p_bigbluebutton_view_recordings permissions on the room (not globally). This is useful in case the BBB server is rebooted.


Copy to clipboard
{bigbluebutton name="Room-Number" prefix="Guest: " voicebridge="Room-Number" logout="URL-of-the-logout-page" recording="1"}

You can see an example at Live. Below is a screenshot:

Created by Marc Laporte. Last Modification: Wednesday 09 December, 2020 12:30:02 GMT-0000 by Torsten Fabricius.
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