Quizzes User
If you have permissions to take and view quizzes, you will see a menu item for them.
Clicking on the "List Quizzes" menu will take you to a list of quizzes that you have permission to take or to view.
To take the quiz, click on the quiz name. To view the stats for the quiz, click on the stats link next to the quiz name. The list is sortable by clicking on the headings at the top of the list.
This is a view of our sample quiz, "Presidential Knowledge". Since this quiz has a 20 minute time limit, you will see the limit displayed above the first question. Questions are answered by clicking on the radio buttons
When you have completed all the questions, you submit them with the send answers button at the bottom of the page. Be sure you have answered all the questions. Unanswered questions will not stop the your quiz from being submitted, but no points will be counted for them.
Now it's time to check your results. From the Quizzes menu, click on "Quiz Stats"
This is a list of quiz results that you have permission to view. Click on the quiz name to see the results.
Unfortunately, user "quiztaker" did not not pass their quiz. By clicking on their name in the quiz statistics display, they are shown their individual results.
From here, the user can click on links above the results to navigate back to the quizzes page, or click on the menu to continue to other parts of the site.
- Quiz User
- Quiz Question Import
- Quiz Admin
- Quiz
- PluginMiniQuiz
- Module top_quizzes
- Module last_created_quizzes
- MiniQuiz 플러그인