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Images for the Documentation pages

Screenshots and other images for the Documentation pages
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  ID T Filename Size Created / Uploaded Last modified Files Hits
1325 tiki17_scheduler_edit_action_00.png 57.61 KB 768
1326 tiki17_scheduler_list_actions_00.png 50.05 KB 384
1327 tiki17_user_selector_01.png 57.89 KB 38
1328 tiki17_user_selector_item_owner_00.png 58.02 KB 446
1322 tiki15_plugin_jq_advanced_example_disa...heckboxes_with_empty_cell_in_table.png 227.41 KB 206
1321 tiki17_pivottable_advanced_example_03.png 41.82 KB 48
1320 tiki17_pivottable_advanced_example_02.png 28.19 KB 296
1319 tiki17_pivottable_advanced_example_01.png 46.84 KB 410
1318 tiki17_pivottable_advanced_example_00.png 32.18 KB 377
1317 tiki16_masonry_grid_example_docto_tracker7_00.png 331.99 KB 552
1316 login-tiki17.png 1.08 KB 47
1315 tracker_tabular_02_tracker_fields_twea...importing_with_field_type_dropdown.png 390.51 KB 41
1314 tracker_tabular_01_tracker_fields_tweaking_after_preimporting.png 359.73 KB 533
1313 tracker_tabular_00_tracker_fields_before_importing.png 248.54 KB 540
1312 tiki17_bugtracker_summary_pivottable_02_new_params.png 47.06 KB 703
1311 tiki17_bugtracker_summary_pivottable_01_edited.png 42.62 KB 500
1310 tiki17_bugtracker_summary_pivottable_00_default.png 38.33 KB 354
1309 r59870 after.png 71.44 KB 516
1308 r59870 before.png 67.66 KB 504
1307 alias misbehavior.png 5.67 KB 217