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Images for the Documentation pages

Screenshots and other images for the Documentation pages
Multiple select
  ID T Filename Size Created / Uploaded Last modified Files Hits
1787 PluginAutoTOC-align-page.png 28.42 KB 206
1786 PluginAutoToc-align-left.gif 1.11 MB 258
1785 PluginAutoTOC-align-right.png 29.88 KB 227
1784 PluginAutoTOC-Enabling-Disabling.png 83.35 KB 254
1783 9ScreenshotILP.jpg 82.11 KB 170
1782 8ScreenshotILP.jpg 96.12 KB 173
1781 6ScreenshotILP.jpg 79.35 KB 167
1780 7ScreenshotILP.jpg 103.36 KB 168
1779 4ScreenshotILP.jpg 132.43 KB 180
1778 5ScreenshotILP.jpg 127.76 KB 167
1777 3ScreenshotILP.jpg 43.06 KB 190
1776 2ScreenshotILP.jpg 51.58 KB 175
1775 1ScreenshotILP.jpg 24.71 KB 192
1774 EnablingMonetization-Option2.gif 1.41 MB 196
1773 EnablingMonetization-Option1.gif 1.74 MB 227
1761 use_url_short.gif 1.24 MB 173
1760 activation_methode_1.gif 3.79 MB 197
1759 activation_methode_2.gif 1,008.57 KB 168
1758 shamir-secure-creating-new-key.png 16.52 KB 247
1757 shamir-secure-item-others-users.gif 173.18 KB 207