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 deprecated and killed

In Tiki 7 we started to move from GoogleMaps (GMap) to OpenStreetMaps, respectively OpenLayers, which offers a GoogleMap layer. Latest since Tiki 13 we are using only OpenLayer (OpenStreetMap) and step b step remove(d) ll code from old MaServer and GMap.

Please visit the following pages, if you want to use Maps in Tiki:
OpenLayers, Maps, PluginMaps

Please mind: This page stays here only for historic reasons and to guide to Tiki's OpenLayers page

Google Maps

The Google Maps function provides support for the Google Maps Plugin and the Google Maps Tracker Field.
To access
Click the Google Maps icon Google Maps on the Admin Panel
Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=gmaps

Setting Description Default
Google Maps API Key: Go to Google to get your Maps API Key
Defaults To get the following X and Y coordinates, you can go to Google Maps, turn on the latlng marker if needed, select where you want to center the map, right click and drop the marker. You can then copy the x and y coordinates.
Default x for map center: Paste the X coordinate for the map center in this field
Default y for map center: Paste the Y coordinate for the map center in this field
Default zoom level: Select your default zoom level here
Map mode in listings
Show map mode buttons in articles list: Enable Google Map buttons in Articles
Show map mode buttons in pages list: Enable Google Map buttons in Wiki