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Images for the Documentation pages

Screenshots and other images for the Documentation pages
Multiple select
  ID T Filename Size Created / Uploaded Last modified Files Hits
1256 PluginFullWidthTitle.png 26.88 KB 468
1255 captcha q and a screenie.png 23.16 KB 43
1254 control_panel_wysiwyg_tiki14x.png 58.94 KB 42
1253 Banners_and_Alerts_and_Ontario_LEAF___Log_in___Control_Panels.png 29.20 KB 556
1252 menu_module_none-bootstrap.png 48.46 KB 5138
1251 Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 8.24.36 PM.png 40.85 KB 626
1250 Screen Shot 2015-04-09 at 7.51.23 PM.png 45.23 KB 697
1249 150408_ispconfig_openbasedir_addition_mysite_example_com.png 53.36 KB 2236
1248 admin_lookandfeel_iconset.png 11.39 KB 5588
1246 wkhtmltopdf6.JPG 43.73 KB 272
1243 Miscellaneous tab.png 20.29 KB 462
1242 Customization tab.png 23.53 KB 483
1241 UI Effects.png 15.33 KB 435
1240 Pagination tab.png 13.39 KB 451
1239 Shadow layer tab.png 16.18 KB 436
1238 General Layout tab.png 24.89 KB 671
1237 Theme tab.png 20.45 KB 563
1235 tiki12_workspace_ui_template_edit_courses_02_advanced.png 48.32 KB 1028
1234 tiki12_workspace_ui_template_edit_courses_01_simple.png 28.82 KB 1010
1233 tiki12_workspace_ui_template_edit_courses_00.png 113.00 KB 1075