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History: PluginList format control block

Preview of version: 28

PluginList format control block

The FORMAT control block is used to create individually formatted objects that can then be used in any of the individual OUTPUT methods.

Available filters

Name Description Boolean Sample Tiki Version
default Display a default value or a default file when no value is available no "empty", "1140" (fileId) -
format format the displayed value to something different that the db value (human readable) no "trackerrender", "date", "objectlink","slug" -
editable Make the field editable so the value can be changed from the results display. Inline editing (found in admin control panels => trackers) must be enable. Must be used in conjunction with the trackerrender format (see above) and may require mode="raw" when using it with the table output template} editable="inline" -

Note that in some cases the field that will be displayed has its own behavior and it can clash with the format you selected.
IE: A tracker field that is a "title" is pre-formatted as a link. If you set the format as "objectlink" (or you set the display inside a link) the display will end broken as Tiki will try to display a link inside a link.

For the default parameter, it's important to remember that the tracker field "Files" works a bit differently than the others with this parameter. The tracker field Files expect an Id from the File Gallery. When most of the other fields type will display the text of the default parameters the default for "Files" must be an existing file in a gallery. The file can be an "anonymous" portrait file or a plain white image or an image with only the text "Not Available", etc. Whatever you feel right for your usage.

Basic example

In most of the examples shown in PluginList output control block and PluginList advanced output control block you will see a FORMAT control block have been used. E.g. in the example shown for Table output as below, two FORMAT control blocks are used:

Sample using the default table formatting
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{LIST()} {filter type="trackeritem"} {filter content="water"} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column field="title_link" sort="title" label="Title" mode="raw"} {column field="description" label="Description"} {column field="event_date" sort="tracker_field_18" label="Event Date"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="title_link")}{display name="title" format="objectlink"}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="event_date")}{display name="tracker_field_18" format="date"}{FORMAT} {LIST}

The first FORMAT control block defines an object with the name title_link that is displayed in a specific way - this object reference is then used in the column control block in the body of the table OUTPUT. Similarly the second FORMAT control block defines the event_date object which is also used in a column control block.

A similar use of the FORMAT control block allows the normal set of Smarty variables, eg {user} etc, to be made available in Smarty templates - for example:

Format example to reference a normal smarty variable
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{FORMAT(name="theuser")} { {user} } {FORMAT}
The double brackets ( {{}} ) around user should have no spaces between them. Spaces are used here only to keep the user variable from being interpreted.

This creates a reference object theuser with the userId of the current user which can then be invoked in a server stored smarty template using the variable {$row.theuser}.

Examples of the use of the FORMAT control block (format and default value)

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{LIST()} {filter field="tracker_id" content="1"} {filter field="tracker_status" content="o"} {OUTPUT()} {DIV(class="h3")}{display name="name"}{DIV} {display name="photo"}%%% {display name="email"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="name")}{display name="tracker_field_userName"}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="photo")}{display name="tracker_field_userPhoto" format="trackerrender" default="1140"}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="location")}{display name="tracker_field_userLocation" format="trackerrender" default="Unknown"}{FORMAT} {LIST}

Default parameter applied on the "photo" field will display a default generic image if not file found.
Default parameter applied on the "location" field will display the text "Unknown" if the field is empty.

Example with comments

You might want to display all comments, and this script will retrieve them:

Wiki Output Sample
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{LIST(cache="n")} {filter type="comment"} {pagination max="10"} {OUTPUT( template="table")} {column field="title"} {column field="comment_content"} {column field="object_link" mode="raw"} {column field="date"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT( name="object_link")} {display name="object_id" format="objectlink"} {FORMAT} {sort mode="date_desc"} {LIST}

The FORMAT control block defines an object with the name object_link which is displayed in such a way that it is object_id which is displayed and formatted as objectlink; which makes the id clickable. This object reference is then used in the column control block in the body of the OUTPUT table.
This gives us the following result:

Title Comment Thread Id Date
what to do after downloaded php_iamgick.dll how to make this dll can be invoke by PHP or windows( which one really invoke it?), that is a big hurdle. 56 2004-02-10 20:18:07
thumbnails can work by installing without GD or Image Magick? I'm a newbie lives in Windows I setup 1.8 by apache, php and mysql, by it seems the thumbernails in image gallery works by invoking the third or extented part lib, which was set by default in *nix systems.(?) And i want to see the thunbnails, how to do this? 55 2004-02-10 19:10:11
how to install GD or image magick in Windows? I've setup 1.8, but thumbnails were just the original images. Apache2+php4+MySQL, lateset versions, and default settings. How to add GD or image magick lib to PHP/PEAR? to make thumbnails work? 54 2004-02-10 19:04:01
Needs images There should be some images on this page - something to show them what the installer should look like. Also - if they are running MySql to create the dbase - they should make note of which version it is. IE 3x or 4.0 for the install. Also - Error messages - mostly that is in the form of directories - a listing should be given so that people with only FTP access can chmod them by hand. There is also the Temporary directory which can be named anything in the php.ini file. Probably Temp but maybe Tmp. 😊 53 2004-02-08 19:48:34
for 1st para On a laptop ..add your reason here! 50 2004-02-07 19:45:31
loading problems No, I hadn't read the whole document. Shame on me! You did mention GD and ImageMagick! But there can be another problem arising (for me, for example) from folder permissions so the images can't be imported through the default temporary folders. Code has to be modified. Thanks again Markku for your help with this. 38 2004-01-22 00:17:57
other problems Unless something has changed in Tiki 1.74, the Image Galleries depend on the GD or ImageMagick libraries. My unfortunate experience is a hosting where the first works badly (some versions - unlucky!), and the second is waiting (3 months!) for someone to install it correctly. Everything apparently works but there's no thumbnail or picture. Windows doesn't have the libraries though I think I've got a version of ImageMagick for Windows somewhere. 37 2004-01-21 23:55:27
Re: Version 1.8? I commited this code in CVS HEAD and it's true that it has not been merged in 1.8RC3, I suppose it will be in 1.9 ... 28 2004-01-16 16:48:01
TOC & Settings Two items. 1 The examples given on this page make the assumption that the Table Syntax is set to "\n" instead of "|| for rows" - the installation default - this is not mentioned. 2 This page is long enought that it really should have a TOC. I added the Hidden Details and the Text Continuation Headings to it 25 2004-01-09 09:30:44
Version 1.8? I reviewed that and don't get the same page title neither the automatic stuff. Was 1.9 used? My 1.8 looks just like tw.o's WikiAdmin picture. 16 2004-01-06 07:11:02

We see that this only gives us the information about the object (the comment in this case), but what if I want to have more information before visiting the comment?

One way to do this is to add a column which indicates the item being commented on. It is typically a wiki page or tracker item which is clickable and takes me there.

So let's make some changes and see what we have:

Wiki Output Sample
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{LIST(cache="n")} {filter type="comment"} {pagination max="10"} {OUTPUT( template="table")} {column field="contributors"} {column field="title"} {column field="comment_content"} {column field="parent_object_title" mode="raw"} {column field="object_link" mode="raw"} {column field="date"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT( name="object_link")} {display name="object_id" format="objectlink"} {FORMAT} {FORMAT( name="parent_object_title")} {display name="parent_object_type"}: {display name="wikiplugin_objectlink" format="wikiplugin" type="parent_object_type" id="parent_object_id"} {FORMAT} {sort mode="date_desc"} {LIST}

Here we have just added a new column whose label is "Parent Object".
The new FORMAT control block formats the parent_object_title field, which is the title of the comment's parent object, then with {display} tag we first display the name of the parent object, which is stored in the parent_object_type field. For example, if the parent object is a trackeritem, it will display "trackeritem:", and finally we display the link to the parent object, using the wikiplugin_objectlink plugin. This plugin allows you to create a link to a Tiki object according to its type and its identifier. Here you specify the link format as "wikiplugin", the object type as parent_object_type, and the object id as parent_object_id. For example, if the parent object is a trackeritem with id 1, this will generate a link to "tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1".
So you get a field that displays the name and link of the comment's parent object. For example, if the comment is linked to an item called "This is my first item", you display "trackeritem: This is my first item".
This gives us the following result:

Title Comment Parent Object Thread Id Date
what to do after downloaded php_iamgick.dll how to make this dll can be invoke by PHP or windows( which one really invoke it?), that is a big hurdle. wiki page: ImageMagick Install 56 2004-02-10 20:18:07
thumbnails can work by installing without GD or Image Magick? I'm a newbie lives in Windows I setup 1.8 by apache, php and mysql, by it seems the thumbernails in image gallery works by invoking the third or extented part lib, which was set by default in *nix systems.(?) And i want to see the thunbnails, how to do this? wiki page: Windows Desktop Install 55 2004-02-10 19:10:11
how to install GD or image magick in Windows? I've setup 1.8, but thumbnails were just the original images. Apache2+php4+MySQL, lateset versions, and default settings. How to add GD or image magick lib to PHP/PEAR? to make thumbnails work? wiki page: Image Gallery Config 54 2004-02-10 19:04:01
Needs images There should be some images on this page - something to show them what the installer should look like. Also - if they are running MySql to create the dbase - they should make note of which version it is. IE 3x or 4.0 for the install. Also - Error messages - mostly that is in the form of directories - a listing should be given so that people with only FTP access can chmod them by hand. There is also the Temporary directory which can be named anything in the php.ini file. Probably Temp but maybe Tmp. 😊 wiki page: Linux 53 2004-02-08 19:48:34
for 1st para On a laptop ..add your reason here! wiki page: Windows Desktop Install 50 2004-02-07 19:45:31
loading problems No, I hadn't read the whole document. Shame on me! You did mention GD and ImageMagick! But there can be another problem arising (for me, for example) from folder permissions so the images can't be imported through the default temporary folders. Code has to be modified. Thanks again Markku for your help with this. wiki page: Image Gallery User 38 2004-01-22 00:17:57
other problems Unless something has changed in Tiki 1.74, the Image Galleries depend on the GD or ImageMagick libraries. My unfortunate experience is a hosting where the first works badly (some versions - unlucky!), and the second is waiting (3 months!) for someone to install it correctly. Everything apparently works but there's no thumbnail or picture. Windows doesn't have the libraries though I think I've got a version of ImageMagick for Windows somewhere. wiki page: Image Gallery User 37 2004-01-21 23:55:27
Re: Version 1.8? I commited this code in CVS HEAD and it's true that it has not been merged in 1.8RC3, I suppose it will be in 1.9 ... wiki page: Mail-in 28 2004-01-16 16:48:01
TOC & Settings Two items. 1 The examples given on this page make the assumption that the Table Syntax is set to "\n" instead of "|| for rows" - the installation default - this is not mentioned. 2 This page is long enought that it really should have a TOC. I added the Hidden Details and the Text Continuation Headings to it wiki page: Wiki-Syntax Lists 25 2004-01-09 09:30:44
Version 1.8? I reviewed that and don't get the same page title neither the automatic stuff. Was 1.9 used? My 1.8 looks just like tw.o's WikiAdmin picture. wiki page: Mail-in 16 2004-01-06 07:11:02

Using Font Awesome icons instead of content depending on the value of the field content

Tweaking the sample above and using font awesome (integrated in Tiki) you can display corresponding icons for a content.
In this demo case we have a tracker with a "gender" field that hold 2 values, "male" or "female". There is a "male" and a "female" icon in Font Awesome and as both use the same term we can assign it to a div type icon and class.

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{LIST()} {filter field="tracker_id" content="42"} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column label="Title" field="title" sort="title"} {column label="Gender" field="gender"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="gender")}{DIV(type=i class=fa fa-{display name="tracker_field_gender"})}{DIV}{FORMAT} {LIST}

Editable inline sample using the table template

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{column label="First Name" field="firstName" mode=raw} ... {FORMAT(name="firstName")}{display name="tracker_field_firstName" format=trackerrender editable=inline}{FORMAT}

Editable inline sample in a smarty (or wiki) template

In this wikiplugin embedded in a smarty (or wiki) template the field is set to be editable inline (note: format="trackerrender" is required ad well as the Inline editing (found in admin control panels=>trackers)

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{wikiplugin _name=list} {literal} {filter content="2" field="tracker_id"} {output(template="mytemplate.tpl")} {ALTERNATE()} empty {ALTERNATE} {FORMAT(name="name")}{display name="tracker_field_name" editable="inline" format="trackerrender" default=""}{FORMAT} {/literal} {/wikiplugin}

So the 2nd column uses a FORMAT plugin where the contents of the field in question, tracker_field_data, is used as the class for a div but the default (used if the data field is empty) is set to be the bootstrap class "hidden" so the contents, the check mark, only appears if there is some data.

Obviously if the data is the name of some other class weird stuff might happen, but for most usual cases, it works as expected and saves having to make a new smarty template just for this simple list.

(Tip and example taken from a message from JonnyB in the developers list - thanks!)

Using Font Awesome icons instead of content depending on the value of the field content

Tweaking the sample above and using font awesome (integrated in Tiki) you can display corresponding icons for a content.
In this demo case we have a tracker with a "gender" field that hold 2 values, "male" or "female". There is a "male" and a "female" icon in Font Awesome and as both use the same term we can assign it to a div type icon and class.

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{LIST()} {filter field="tracker_id" content="42"} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column label="Title" field="title" sort="title"} {column label="Gender" field="gender"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="gender")}{DIV(type=i class=fa fa-{display name="tracker_field_gender"})}{DIV}{FORMAT} {LIST}

It will display a
if the content of the field = male and a
if the content of the field = female.

When you use a template to display your plugin list you want other item related or linked to the item to open using the same template (or another it doesn't matter) but not to open the trackers built-in system. For this you need to enable the Alias feature and set it to use the template to display the tracker item, "record-" for this sample.

When you use an item link to link an item to other item (related, friend of, etc.) this is a kind of a problem.
Item link has 2 option to display and item link. Value and Link.
Value display the id of the content (ie: 6).
Link display the value of the content linked to the tracker item (ie: Bernard).

Your link should be like:

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So it open the item "Id6" in the "record-" template showing the value "Bernard" for the link.
To achieve this you need to create and use 2 row.

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{FORMAT(name="name")}{display name="tracker_field_contact" format=trackerrender}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="id")}{display name="tracker_field_contact"}{FORMAT}

The first one with format=trackerrender will display the content of the tracker Item Link field as it is shown in the tracker (Bernard).
The second one without the format=trackerrender will show the real value for this field (6).

The assemble your link as follow:

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[record-{display name="id"}|{display name="name"}]

It will complete the trick and open the item 6 using the record- template while the link displayed will show the right value, Bernard.

All the LIST Plugin control blocks


Information Version
Victor Emanouilov 33
Victor Emanouilov 32
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 31
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 30
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 29
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added format slug 28
Emmanuel Masikilizano Pour la cohérence 27
Emmanuel Masikilizano Document on doc.tiki.org | was: avan.tech dogfood: improve information available in comment listing 26
Emmanuel Masikilizano 25
Emmanuel Masikilizano 24
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding missing information about editing inline for tracker fields 23
luciash d' being 🧙 22
luciash d' being 🧙 21
luciash d' being 🧙 20
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 19
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 18
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Code Plugin modified by editor. 17
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Code Plugin modified by editor. 16
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding tip for using template and tracker item link 15
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 14
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist adding tip for displaying icons instead of field content 13
luciash d' being 🧙 Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 12
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 11
Xavier de Pedro 10
Xavier de Pedro 9
Torsten Fabricius changed order of parameters in LIST plugin (clean structure for easier understanding) 8
lindon 7
lindon 6
lindon 5
Geoff Brickell 4
Geoff Brickell 3
Geoff Brickell 2
Geoff Brickell 1