Tiki can support wiki page updates (or data for most features in Tiki) by setting up data channels at this time. Adding a web service call to do it more directly would not be very hard so you can join in and get your commit access!
From tiki-admin.php, you can activate: "HTTP Basic Authentication: Check credentials from HTTP Basic Authentication, useful to allow webservices to use credentials." Related: Token Access
Use of Tiki services
Tiki's services live in lib/core/Services/. One can extrapolate the service URL from the file names and the names of the classes in the Controller.php files.
This only works if you have activated SEFURL feature.
For accessing information which is also available from searches in the Tiki site, the class is action_lookup() in file lib/core/Services/Search/Controller.php.
The path on tiki.org is: https://tiki.org/tiki-search-lookup To refine the search, the arguments are the same as for https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList-filter-control-block For example, in order to access the 45 first items from tracker 22, the syntax would be:
This works fine if called as ajax services from a page on the same Tiki.
If done from outside Tiki from another online server, only data visible for anonymous user (not logged in) will be shown.
In order to access data which is not visible to anonymous user, you may want to have a look at https://doc.tiki.org/Token-Access.
Controller pages
Where you can find more specific information and samples for the different controllers
On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options