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History: Action Tracker Field

Source of version: 8 (current)

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            !!Action Tracker Field

^This is a ((stub))^

This permits to create a form which will be posted somewhere, not necessarily trackers or even Tiki.

You have to find out the names of the fields of the forms that you want to send the url to.
You can use the __web developer toolbar__ extension for Firefox or similar (see ((Tools)) for more information).

Example use cases: 
* you can subscribe people to an email list managed by mailan (or others list servers), providing name, surname and email from the data in the tiki tracker field.
* user creation button that can be built with a users tracker. In which case field type params are 
** Register,post,tiki-register.php,name:login,pass:pass,passAgain:pass,email:email,register=register
+ so you need to have fields named login, pass and email in that tracker scheme.

* Label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test
** __Label__ will be the title of the button
** __post__ or __get__: the protocol to use at the form
** __tiki-index.php__ is the arbitrary url of the destination of the form
** __page:fieldname__ can be repeated several times, it specifies the variable names to pass in the form, as well as value taken from the current item from field named fieldname.  (To be confirmed:) There is an equivalence the  variable (here: ''page'') and the content of fields with that number as fieldId.
** __highlight=test__ can also be repeated and is useful for fixed values as params to pass to the form

* ((Tracker Field Types))
* ((Trackers))
* [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/16.0/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Action.php?ref_type=tags|File link Tiki16]



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 8
Baraka Kinywa For reference on Action Tracker Field Type existence in former Tiki version 16 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro 5
Kissaki 3
Xavier de Pedro my 2 cents 2
Marc Laporte 1