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History: Calculations

Source of version: 114

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            ! Advanced Ratings & Calculation Syntax
Use this page to configure a "rating" sytem to evaluate tracker items or wiki pages. Introduced in ((Tiki5)), the advanced rating feature allows for more control over the aggregation of scores. You will also see in this documentation page how to use the __calculations syntax__, which also applies at the ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field)).

{DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics::
* ((E-democracy system))
*((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes))

;__To access__: Click the __Ratings__ icon {img src=img/icons/large/rating.png alt="Ratings"} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or %%% Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=rating__ 

;__Note:__ Tiki currently supports sorting through advanced rating in:
** ((Articles))
** ((Wiki))
** ((Comments))
** See also ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field))

{REMARKSBOX(type="note" title="Note")}__Tiki Calculations__ started out as an advanced rating system, and has since evolved into a powerful general purpose calculations system. {REMARKSBOX}

{TABS(name="advancedrating" tabs="6.x|5.x")}
{img fileId="513" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="300" alt="Advanced Ratings page" desc="Advanced Ratings page" imalign="center" align="center"}

{FANCYTABLE(head="Setting~|~ Description ~|~ Default" sortable="n" colwidths="25%|60%|15%" colaligns="left" colvaligns="top")}
__Global configuration__ ~|~ ~|~ 
Advanced Rating ~|~ Enable the internal rating system, used for calculating values from trackers, articles, or other features. ~|~ 
Rating recalculation mode: ~|~ Determines when and how rating aggregates are recalculated: %%%   * __On vote__ (default): indicates that the score for the object should be recalculated every time a vote is performed. This option is suitable for sites with lower volumes and relatively simple calculation methods when ratings are used. %%% __ * Random on load__:  will cause a few scores to be calculates on page load on a random basis (odds and count can be configured to adapt to site load). This option is suitable for calculation rules involving time that must be recalculated even if no new votes occurred. %%% __* Random on vote__ is similar to random on load, but will recalculate multiple scores (not necessarily including the current object) when a vote is performed. It is suitable for similar situations. The best option will depend on site load. %%% __* Periodic__: is the best option for heavy load sites, making sure all calculations are done outside the web requests. A cron job must be set-up manually by the site's administrator. A sample script is available at the end of this page. %%% Depending on the site load, some options may be better than others; on large volume sites, we recommend __cron job__. The __Recalculate on vote__ recalculation may be inaccurate if rating calculation depends time. %%% __Before any attempt to re-index the object:__ Ties into the ((Search and List from Unified Index)) and updates the calculation at index-time. ~|~ Recalculate on vote
Recalculation odds (1 in X): ~|~ ~|~ 
Recalculation count: ~|~ ~|~ 
__Wiki__ ~|~ ~|~ 
Simple wiki ratings ~|~ Enable a simple rating bar at the top of each wiki page. ~|~ 
Wiki rating options: ~|~ List of options for the simple wiki ratings. ~|~ 1,2,3,4,5
__Articles__ ~|~ Enable a simple rating bar at the top of each articles page.  ~|~ 
User ratings on articles ~|~ ~|~ 
Article rating options:  ~|~ ~|~ 

The feature must first be enabled through this same administration panel. Along with the feature, a few options are available. Among them, the score recalculation period must be defined. These are the available options:

* __On vote (default)__ indicates that the score for the object should be recalculated every time a vote is performed. This option is suitable for sites with lower volumes and relatively simple calculation methods when ratings are used.
* __Random on load__ will cause a few scores to be calculates on page load on a random basis (odds and count can be configured to adapt to site load). This option is suitable for calculation rules involving time that must be recalculated even if no new votes occurred.
* __Random on vote__ is similar to random on load, but will recalculate multiple scores (not necessarily including the current object) when a vote is performed. It is suitable for similar situations. The best option will depend on site load.
* __Periodic__ is the best option for heavy load sites, making sure all calculations are done outside the web requests. A cron job must be set-up manually by the site's administrator. A sample script is available at the end of this page.

For the random options, the odds of recalculating must be specified as a dice roll. For each occurrence of a recalculation, a limit to how many scores can be calculated must be specified to avoid the hang-up effect on the page load.

The value ranges for each object type can also be specified through the administration panels.

The common ''sort_mode'' parameter to lists can be used to activate sorting using advanced ratings. To do so, the sort mode must be set to ''adv_rating_X_asc'' or ''adv_rating_X_desc'' where ''X'' is the ID of the rating configuration. The default sort can also be set to advanced ratings in the administration panel where applicable.
!! Calculation configuration

From the administration panel, new calculations can be added. Initially, only the name is required. When created, the calculation will contain suitable default values.

For wiki pages:
{img src=show_image.php?id=96}

Thus, visitors can provide feedback like:

* Did this page help you solve the issue?
* Was this page easy to understand?


!! Sorting items according to advanced rating

Note that the sort mode to use when needing to sort by advanced rating is either adv_rating_xx_asc or adv_rating_xx_desc, where xx is the ratingConfigId.

!! Set-up
By default, each calculated value is kept for 1 hour (3600 seconds). This limit does not apply when recalculating on vote, but is used for every other technique to avoid recalculating the same scores over and over again.

The calculation is defined as a small piece of code, similar to functional languages, which is very close to mathematical representations. Creating custom formulas is expected to require some mathematical skills. However, this documentation should provide examples for most frequent cases.

The editor in the administration panel performs extensive validation and will make it impossible to save the formula unless it can be evaluated. Checks are performed for:
* Syntax errors
* Unknown functions
* Missing arguments
* Invalid argument values
* Unknown input variables

{CODE(caption="Default formula")}
(rating-average (object type object-id))

It can be altered to limit the vote consideration to a limited time span, 30 days for example.

{CODE(caption="Recent votes only")}
    (object type object-id)
    (range (mul 3600 24 30))

In the language, spaces do not matter. Only the parenthesis indicate structure. __rating-average__ is a function that fetches the ratings for a given object. ''type'' and ''object-id'' are standard variables fed when calculating a rating. __object__ and __range__ are configuration options of the function.

__mul__ is a mathematical function. (mul 3600 24 30) is equivalent to 3600*24*30.

The functions can be combined in various ways. For example, we could calculate a score that considers the votes from the past month, but gives extra emphasis on the recent ones.

{CODE(caption="Combined vote duration")}
        (object type object-id)
        (range (mul 3600 24 30)))
        (object type object-id)
        (range (mul 3600 24 7)))

Even though the votes are 1-5, the final score can be on an entirely different scale. The language is also extensible if the calculation needs to be combined with other factors or weight. See ((dev:Rating Language)).

All available options are documented in the following section.
!! Syntax
!! General Reference

!! Sample and use case

!!! add (Sum)
Performs a simple sum accepting multiple input.
It is possible to chain the calculation with several values.

{CODE(caption="Simple addition")}
(add 3 4)
   -> 7
(add (add 3 4) 5)
   -> 12
(add 3 4 5)
   -> 12
(add 4 0.5)
   -> 4.5

The calculation can be done directly using tracker field permaname for the same tracker.

{CODE(caption=Using tracker field permaname)}
permaname_1 value = 1
permaname_2 value = -1
permaname_3 value = 4

(add permaname_1 permaname_2)
   -> 0
(add (permaname_1 permaname_2 permaname_3)
   -> 4

!!! sub (Substract)
Performs a simple substraction accepting multiple input
(sub 3 4)
   -> -1
(sub (sub 3 4) 5)
   -> -6
(sub 3 4 5)
   -> -6
(sub 4 0.5)
   -> 3.5

!!! div (Divide)
Performs a simple division accepting multiple input values.
(div 3 4)
   -> 0.75
(div (mul 3 10) 5)
   -> 6
(div 30 5 3)
   -> 2
(div 4 0.5)
   -> 8

!!! mul (Multiply)
Performs a simple multiplication accepting multiple input values.
(mul 3 4)
   -> 12
(mul (mul 3 4) 5)
   -> 60
(mul 3 4 5)
   -> 60
(mul 4 0.5)
   -> 2

!!!and / or

!!!! and
Ensures all elements evaluate to true.

(and 3 2 1 2 3)
 -> 1
(and 2 3 0 2)
 -> 0

!!!! or
Ensures that at least one element evaluates to true. Elements are evauated sequentially until a false element is found. Others are left unevaluated.

(or 3 2 1 2 3)
 -> 1
(or 2 3 0 2)
 -> 1
(or 0 0)
 -> 0
!!! avg
Calculates the average of multiple values. All entries in the list will be flattened if arrays are present.

(avg 1 2 3)
-> 2
... given list contains [1, 2, 3]
(avg list)
-> 2

__Note:__ Unless told otherwise -+avg+- treats empty values and zeros the same, but you can use -+(if)+- to check like this:
{CODE(caption="Empty example")}
(if (not (equals calcValue_3 ""))
  (avg calcValue_1 calcValue_2 calcValue_3)
  (if (not (equals calcValue_2  ""))
    (avg calcValue_1 calcValue_2)
    (if (not (equals calcValue_1  ""))

avg can be used together with other fields values as well as an item-list field displaying values from another tracker.

{CODE(caption="Calculate the average of values from a different tracker in an item-list")}
The field permanameListofnumbers contains values 1 and 3 (grabbed from tracker permanameNumbersfromanother tracker)
        (list permanameListofnumbers)
        (formula (concat permanameNumbersfromanother tracker))
-> 2

!!! clean
Clean accents and special characters from a string of text, replacing the accented characters with the non-accented equivalent where possible. Added in ((Tiki18|Tiki 18.2))

(clean (str foó barça caña))
   -> "foo barca cana"

!!! coalesce
Returns the first non-empty value from the list.

(coalesce 3 4)
   -> -3
(coalesce (sub 3 3) 5)
   -> 5
(coalesce 0 0 (str) -10)
   -> -10
(coalesce 0 0 0 0 0)
   -> 0

!!! comment
Any comment block is stripped from the formula at parse-time
  (comment Simple enough?))
    -> 2

!!! concat
Concatenates a string of text. (new in Tiki12)

__Note:__ The quoted string syntax was included in ((Tiki13)).

    (str $)
   -> "$1234"
    (str %)
   -> "14%"
(concat 14 "%")
   -> "14%"

!!! contains
Searches for a value within a vector of values (new in Tiki15.0, backported to Tiki14.2 and Tiki12.5).

(contains 4 (1,2) )
 -> 0
(contains 4 (2,4) )
 -> 1

__Up to Tiki 25__: Note that if you are using an argument value in here, you would need to eval and then put brackets around to make it work.
{CODE(caption="args.values_by_permname.version: 305,306")}
(contains 307 (eval(args.values_by_permname.version)))
 -> 0
(contains 305 (eval(args.values_by_permname.version)))
 -> 1
(contains 30 (eval(args.values_by_permname.version)))
 -> 0

__Tiki 26+__: arguments don't need to be eval-ed anymore. The previous example has this syntax now:
{CODE(caption="args.values_by_permname.version: 305,306")}
(contains 307 args.values_by_permname.version)
 -> 0
(contains 305 args.values_by_permname.version)
 -> 1
(contains 30 args.values_by_permname.version)
 -> 0
!!! count
Returns the total number of entries within an array passed as argument.

(count results)
   -> 5

You can use it with spli-list to count the number of items in a list or in an item-link (should work with dynamic items list).

{CODE(caption="Counting item in item-link")}
Let say I have an item-link permanameBooks with 12 items linked.
    (content permanameBooks)
    (separator ,)
    (key a)
 -> 12
''Only one key need to be created it will populate properly''

!!! Currency
New in ((Tiki21)): https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/71175 
Allows to convert a calculation into currency field. Expects 3 arguments. First is the calculation of the amount. Second is the source currency - i.e. which currency is the amount in? Third is the currency field.

(currency (cal-of-the-amount) (sourceCurrency) currencyFieldPermName)

If you use the [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/daily-exchange-rates/|Canadian daily exchange table from the Bank of Canada] you can retreive sourceCurrency string from currencyFieldPermName (ie: FXUSD===CAD===) using this formula:
{CODE(caption=Get the last 3 char of a value in a tracker)}
(substring currencyFieldPermName -3)

(currency (cal-of-the-amount) (substring currencyFieldPermName -3) currencyFieldPermName)

!!! currency-convert
New in ((Tiki22)): https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/76059 

This adds 2 things:
# currency-convert math function which will allows us to convert specific math functions to CAD when you need only CAD values.
# using default tracker for exchange rates when parsing a math function output like 123USD without a currency field context. The tracker must contain 'exchange rate' in its name in order to be found. This will be until we have a proper concept of ((dev:System Features|system trackers)).

!!! Date and Time

!!!! Note about Date and Time and timezone

Time stored in the DB or in the Search Index is always UTC. (converted based on the Tiki settings)

Tiki convert back the value to display based on the Tiki preferences or the user preferences settings related to timezone.

Calculation are done on the value (unix timestamp from the database) in UTC and date formulas have to include this factor to allow exact calculation.

For example, for a server with a timezone set to Paris (UTC+1) the following formula will return today’s date with the time of the field “momentDate” -1 hour (Difference between Europe/France timezone and UTC).

{CODE(caption=Wrong)}(str-to-time (concat (date (str Y-m-d )) (date (str H:i) momentDate))){CODE}

To allow the calculation to be performed on the stored time in the database we need to specify that it is UTC. The following formula will return today’s date with the time of the field “momentDate” as displayed.(and expected ;-) )

{CODE(caption=Right)}(str-to-time (concat (date (str Y-m-d )) (date (str H:i) momentDate) (str UTC))){CODE}

Tiki will know to convert back the value to display it following Tiki preferences.

!!!! Date

''New in ((Tiki14.1)): https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/55964 ''

Takes two optional arguments, format and timestamp and uses the PHP __date__ function. See [http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php|here] for reference. Format defaults to "U" which is the Unix timestamp, and the timestamp defaults to "now".

{CODE(caption="Date Examples")}
> Returns "1438358437" currently

(date (str Y-m-d H:i:s))
> Returns "2015-07-31 17:00:43" currently

(date (str r) theTimeAndTheDate)
> Returns "Tue, 16 Jun 2015 09:23:09 +0100" for instance, where theTimeAndTheDate is the permanent name of a tracker field in the same tracker.


!!! equals
Compares multiple values.

(equals 2 (add 1 1) (sub 4 2))
 -> 1 (equivalent of 2 == 1+1 && 2 == 4-2)
(equals (add 1 1) 3)
 -> 0

!!! for-each
For a list of value pairs, such as the output of ''split-list'', evaluates a formula for each set of values, returns the list of results.

Within the formula, variables coming from the list will be used first. Fallback will be on the other variables available in the execution context.

As of Tiki18, list items can be the output of ItemsList tracker field where individual formula fields are the linked fields from the other tracker. See example below.

... given items contains [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}]
    (list items)
    (formula (mul a b c)))
-> [6, 24]

... given items contains [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}]
... and d contains 10
    (list items)
    (formula (mul c d)))
-> [30, 40]

... given trackerDetails is an ItemsList field pointing to another tracker with a field detailsAmount
... and particular tracker item has 2 linked items with detailsAmount = 30 and 40
        (list trackerDetails)
        (formula (concat detailsAmount))))
-> 70
This formula sums the detailsAmount column from the other tracker for all items linked from this tracker's item.

!!! hash
Generates a hash based on multiple values. Used primarily to generate aggregate hashes in the ((PluginActivityStream)). Note that because it is a hash, the exact value coming out does not matter. Only that given the same parameter, it will produce the same value.

(hash 1)
 -> [sha1("1")]
(hash 1 2 3 4)
 -> [sha1("1/2/3/4")]
(hash 1 2 (map (a 3) (b 4)))
 -> [sha1("1/2/3/4")]

!!! if
Conditionally evaluates a branch.

(if (equals 2 2) 42 -1)
 -> 42
(if (equals 2 1) 42 -1)
 -> -1

You can use it with STR to apply a condition on a string within another field.
IE: if permanameFieldName contain "Bernard"
{CODE(caption=If used with a string to show another field)}
(if (equals permanameFieldName (str Bernard)) permanameFieldMoney (str 0))
 -> Will output the value of permanameFieldMoney if true (permanameFieldName = Bernard)
 -> Will output 0 if this is not true (permanameFieldName ≠ Bernard)

!!! IsEmpty
''New in ((Tiki14)): https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/53588 ''

(IsEmpty 1)
 -> 0
(IsEmpty 0)
 -> 1

You can also use a tracker field permaname as true or false value or as returned value from the tracker item.
Here we combine if, equals and is empty to create a different output for each case else the default output (0 or 1) will be returned.

(if (equals  1 (IsEmpty permaname)) (str empty) (str notempty))
if the field has no value (1) -> empty
if the field has a value (0) -> notempty

IsEmpty may also be used to test if an array is empty.
However in some case you may have an error. coalesce seems to work better for testing and displaying tracker field values.

!!! less / more
!!!! less-than
New in ((Tiki14)).1 and ((Tiki12)).5: Checks whether the first value is less than the second.

(less-than 3 (add 2 2) )
 -> 1
(less-than (add 2 2) 3)
 -> 0

!!!! more-than
New in ((Tiki14)).1 and ((Tiki12)).5: Checks whether the first value is more than the second.

(more-than 3 (add 2 2) )
 -> 0
(more-than (add 2 2) 3)
 -> 1

!!! lower
Converts string to lower case.

(lower Foo)
 -> foo

!!! map
Generates a map (or dictionary).

  (key1 1)
  (key2 2)
  (key3 (str value3))
 -> {"key1": 1, "key2": 2, "key3": "value3"}

!!! Not 
''New in ((Tiki14)): https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/53590 ''

!!! number-format
Format a number with grouped thousands. See PHP's number_format function for exact arguments. New in Tiki18.

(number-format 123456.78)
   -> "123,456.78"
(number-format 120.334 (str 3))
   -> "120.334"
(number-format 120.334 (str 0))
   -> "120"
(number-format 123456.78 (str 2) (str ,) (str ))
   -> "123 456,78"

!!! pad
''New in ((Tiki15)) committed in [https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/57094|r57094]''

Takes two to four arguments, input string, output length, padding string (defaults to a space) and padding type (defaults to right)
See http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-pad.php for more info.

{CODE(caption="This example right pads prices in a simple products tracker for sorting and filtering")}
    (str 0)
    (str left)

!!! round
Rounds to a specific number of digits (new in Tiki12)

(round 4.556234342234 2)
   -> 4.56
(round 4.556234342234)
   -> 5

!!! str
Generates a static string when needed and the processor attempts to process the string as a variable. Any arguments will be concatenated using spaces.

__Note:__ The quoted string syntax was included in ((Tiki13)).

(str hello-world)
   -> "hello-world"
(str hello world)
   -> "hello world"
   -> "hello world foobar"
(str (mul 2 3) "= 6")
   -> "6 = 6"
(str some text with new line~nl~)
   -> "some text with new line\n"

The following is useful to add a space between calculation or values from different sources (tracker field value)

{CODE(caption=To add a space)}
(str )

(str hello)(str world)
    -> "helloworld"

(str hello)(str )(str world)
    -> "hello world"

!!! str-to-time
Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp. See PHP's strtotime function for more details on valid formats and options. New in Tiki18.

(str-to-time (str 2017-06-05))
   -> "1496610000"
(date (str Y-m-d) (str-to-time (str +1 day) (str 2017-05-29)))
   -> "2017-05-30"

{CODE(caption="Numbers of days between a date in a field and now")}
(round (div (sub (str-to-time permanameDate) (date)) 86400) 0)

!!! str-replace
Replace substring in a string. See PHP's str_replace function for exact arguments. New in Tiki18.

(str-replace (str foo) (str bar) (str hello foo))
   -> "hello bar"

!!! preg-replace
Perform a regular expression search and replace on a field value. The preg-replace math function is available in Tiki 21+
{CODE(caption=Using preg-replace to return part of a string before a | (pipe))}
The field permanameMonthAndUser contain "June | Bernard"
(preg-replace (str /\|.*$/) (str ) permanameMonthAndUser)
   -> "June"

{CODE(caption=Using preg-replace to return part of a string after a | (pipe))}
The field permanameMonthAndUser contain "June | Bernard"
(preg-replace (str /^.*?\|/) (str ) permanameMonthAndUser)
   -> "Bernard"

!!! split-list
Produces a multi-dimensional array out of a text string. Each line is expected to be an independent value, each line will be split by a separator into the specified keys.

... given str contains a list of 3 comma-separated values
    (content str)
    (separator ,)
    (keys a b c))
-> [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}]

!!! subtotal
Special function to aggregate data in a table. See [PluginList-output-control-block?latest=1&no_bl=y#Report_Formatting|Report formatting] for more details.

!!! upper
Converts string to upper case.

(upper Bar)
 -> BAR

!! Advanced Rating-specific Reference
!!! rating-average and rating-sum
The rating functions calculate the score from the rating history table. Each rating performed on the site is kept in the database and can be used to calculate custom ratings on. The various options allow to adapt the score calculation to reflect the importance on the site, whether it is to support quality improvement on documentation or to rank incoming data on a feed aggregator.

* __object__, mandatory and always ''(object type object-id)'' in this context.
* __range__, to limit how long votes are considered. Argument is provided as a number of seconds.
* __ignore__, with ''anonymous'' as an argument to only consider votes from registered users.
* __keep__, to only consider one vote per visitor. Unless the option is present, all of the votes are taken into account. The option can be either ''latest'' or ''oldest'' to indicate which one to keep.
* __revote__ can be specified if __keep__ is specified. Indicates the time period required between votes. For example, users could be allowed to vote more than once per day, but only their latest vote each day would be considered, if revote is set to mul(24 3600). If the user voted yesterday as well as today, both votes will be counted.

!!! article-info
Pulls information from an article to include in the calculation. The first argument must always resolve to 'article'. If any other value, the calculation will be skipped for the evaluated object, making the formula type-specific.

Available properties:
* rating, the static rating attached to the article
* view-count
* age-second
* age-hour
* age-day
* age-week
* age-month

(article-info type object-id rating)

(article-info (str article) 42 age-month)

!!! attribute
Pulls information from the generic object attributes.

    (object type object-id)
    (property tiki.proposal.accept)
    -> [value for page in a rating calculation]
    (object (str wiki page) 14)
    (property tiki.proposal.accept)
    (default 0)
    -> [value for page id 14]

!!! tracker-field
Pulls information from the tracker item. The field value is converted to numeric value automatically. Zero is provided if the value is not found or unapplicable.

{CODE(caption="Examples" theme="default")}(tracker-field
  (object (str trackeritem) 42)
  (field priority)

    -> [value contained in the tracker item field with permanent name ''priority'' from tracker item with object Id 42]{CODE}

{REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Item Link and Dynamic Item list values")}If you grab directly the information from an Item Link and Dynamic Item List using the permaname the result will be the value of the field in this tracker and not the value of the field from the remote tracker.

You have to use the following to pull the "real" value of an item coming from an item link and an item dynamic list field type {REMARKSBOX}

You can pull the value of an item coming from an item link and an item dynamic list field type (not tested on item list). This imply using the permaname of the item link tracker field and the permaname of the field that contain the value (in the other tracker).
{CODE(caption="value form item link item" theme="default")}(tracker-field
  (object (str trackeritem) permaname_thistrackerfield)
  (field permaname_othertrackerfield)

!!! category-present
Gives 1 in score of every listed category present on the object.
  (object type object-id)
  (list 3 4)
    -> [0, 1 or 2 - Depending on how many of categories 3 or 4 are on the object]

!! Appendix
When unified search is used, recalculation can be configured to be done during re-indexing, removing the need for this script.

{CODE(caption=Cron job,colors=php)}


require_once 'tiki-setup.php';
require_once 'lib/rating/ratinglib.php';



!! Sample and use case

!!! Calculate date difference to see if tracker item is new or not 
In this use case we compare a field that contains creation date to the actual date and if the difference is lower than 7 days (604800) the field will have the value "new" else "notnew".

(if(equals (more-than 604800 (sub (add (date) 0) (add dateDeCrAtion 0))) 1) (str new) (str notnew))

!!! Using Concat to create a reference made of month and string value from other fields
In this use case we concatenate the month as word from a date field and a value from a text field (can be a dropdown, etc) and we use to create a reference for this item. Then the result, the value, can be used for many things like populating an itemList field, filtering, searching, etc.

{CODE(caption=Filling a field with value for type and month)}
(concat trackerPermanameType (str " | ") (date (str F) trackerPermanameDate))
For example it will set the value of field with : "Credit | February" 

!!! Add different values from fields from a Tracker in another Tracker
In this use case we have 2 trackers. One that records time spent (permaname_timeSpent) with individuals for different interaction with an individual (tracker actions) that contain an itemLink to the other tracker. And the other tracker (tracker users) that will collect all the actions and the time spent for this user and calculate (display) the total time spent per type of actions.

We first use an itemList (permaname_listActionsAndTime) to filter all the actions made for this specific user as you will usually do : ItemList => TrackerB, TrackerB_usernameField, TrackerA_usernameField, field to display : Actions and Time, use the format that fit the fields order to display and easy to read list of actions|time.

You should have a list displaying in each tracker user items something like that:

 Meeting | 15
 Meeting | 20
 Phone | 5
 Administrative | 60
 Documentation | 60

Anywhere after it in the list fields (orders matters with calculation fields) for this tracker (tracker users) create a mathematical field.
Now you need to check all the rows of the itemList and if it contain a specific actions add the time value from the other tracker.

We want to see the the time spent __with__ the user so we will use a condition (if) based on the string corresponding to the action and a OR statement to collect the time spent if the permanameActions equals a specific string.
If there is no time the field output will be "0".

        (list permaname_listActionsAndTime)
                    (equals permanameActions (str Meeting))
                    (equals permanameActions (str Call))

!!! Assign a label to a range of values
In this case we combine less-than and more-than in a cascade of conditions to determine what value (a label) should be saved in the field based on a numerical value from another existing field. For example we have appartments and a field with their surface and we want to group them by size (less than 80m2, between 80m2 and 120m2, etc...)

''If used in a search (customSearch, pluginList filter, etc) the label must be unique; Tiki search engine (tested with MySQL search) will consider characters like "_", "-" , "+" (may be more) as separators and not character of the string. For example if you search for "20" both "10-20" and "20-30" will be outputted in the results.''

(less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 79 0))
(str 79) (if (less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 119 0))
(str 80-119) (if (less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 159 0))
(str 120-159) (if (less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 199 0))
(str 160-199) (if (less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 239 0))
(str 200-239) (if (less-than trackerPermanameSize (add 279 0))
(str 240-279) (if (more-than trackerPermanameSize (add 279 0))
(str 280))))))

To add some safeties we can also test first if there is a value in the field.
Here the idea is to check if the trackerPermanamePrice contain a value (price) then to group the items within the same range of prices by giving them a label.

(if (equals  1 (IsEmpty trackerPermanamePrice)) (str ) 
(less-than trackerPermanamePrice (add 99999 0))
(str 99999) (if (less-than trackerPermanamePrice (add 299999 0))
(str 100000-299999) (if (less-than trackerPermanamePrice (add 499999 0))
(str 300000-499999) (if (less-than trackerPermanamePrice (add 699999 0))
(str 500000-69999) (if (more-than trackerPermanamePrice (add 699999 0))
(str 700000))))

!! ((Simple Wiki Ratings)) 

! Related
* ((Rating))
* ((dev:Rating Revamp))
* ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field))
* ((Grouped Data))

(alias(Advanced+Rating)) | (alias(AdvancedRating)) | (alias(Advanced Ratings)) | (alias(AdvancedRatings))

~tc~ (alias(Advanced Rating)) ~/tc~


Information Version
Victor Emanouilov 118
Victor Emanouilov 117
Victor Emanouilov str-to-time business/working days enhancement 116
Jean-Marc KADIMBA Fix typo 115
Jean-Marc KADIMBA It doesn't work with Items List, so i remove that. (https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/6211#note_2189000254) 114
Victor Emanouilov 113
Victor Emanouilov contains function change explanation 112
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 111
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding precision about date and time calculation 110
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improving doc based on test using Tiki25 109
Torsten Fabricius put an existing note into a {Remarksbox()} 108
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist str; adding information on how to add a space between other values 107
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding a use case to calculate values from an itemList with conditions (filtering) 106
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added sample to apply a condition on a string 105
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Typo 104
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Missing closing tag 103
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding documentation for the preg-replace math function 102
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding sample for avg using a for-each to read value from item-list 101
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding sample for count used with split-list 100
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding a remarksbox and document the item link and dynamic item list case when capturing values from another tracker. 99
Jonny Bradley Oops, wrong section 98
Jonny Bradley 97
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improving currency functions documentation 96
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improving syntax and adding note about separators in string and search for sample 95
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding more sample 94
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding sample to assign a label to a range of values 93
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 92
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding isEmpty to test tracker field sample 91
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 90
Xavier de Pedro added info on lower and upper which were added indeed long ago, apparently 89
Jean-Marc Libs code Plugin modified by editor. 88
Marc Laporte Thank you Victor 87
Manasse Ngudia 86
Manasse Ngudia 85
Manasse Ngudia 84
Marc Laporte 83
luciash d' being 🧙 82
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding an example for concat 81
Manasse Ngudia 80
Manasse Ngudia 79
Manasse Ngudia 78
Manasse Ngudia 77
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding information on possible errors using isEmpty with trackers and suggesting the use of coalesce 76
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 75
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist improving tracker-field doc 74
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding example for if function (and isEmpty) 73
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist code Plugin modified by editor. 72
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist add information about tracker-field 71
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist code Plugin modified by editor. 70
drsassafras Mass search and replace 69