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History: Clearing Cache

Source of version: 9

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            ! Clear Tiki cache

To improve performances we've implement a Tiki cache that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. When your [https://tiki.org|Tiki] is not acting as expected, clearing the Tiki caches is the first thing to do.

To clear your Tiki caches, when logged in as an admin, there are many ways
* From the Settings item of the main menu click on the item __Tiki Cache/Sys Admin__
* From the Quick Admin module (if enabled): __Clear all caches__
* From the admin dashboard in the admin navbar menu __Tools__ click on the item __System Cache__
* From the shell, in your Tiki directory using the ((Console|command line)) by doing -+php console.php cache:clear+-
* From your URL address bar https://yourTiki.org/__tiki-admin_system.php__

You will get to the "System Administration" page where you can see the "Clear cached content" section where you can see the different Tiki caches and the "Save directories" where your Tiki files are stored and an option to export them a a zip file.

Click on the "Clear all caches" button to clear all Tiki caches.

{img type="fileId" fileId="1837" responsive="y" featured="y" class="border"}


__Note: This is not the same thing as clearing browser cache and cookies.__

Sometimes it is necessary also to clear your browser caches to completely "push" the Tiki cache cleaning into your Internet browser. Clearing those is related to your Operating System (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc) and browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internat Explorer, Brave, etc.).
Search the internet to find the best way to do it. 

''A quick hard refresh browser can be performed on all browsers. Most of the modern Internat browser will do a hard refresh browser when you press the -+ctrl key and reload icon+-  a page for windows and Linux and the -+shift key and reload icon+- for MacOs.''

* (alias(Empty Smarty cache))
* (alias(Clear Smarty cache))
* (alias(Empty Tiki cache))
* (alias(Clear Tiki cache))
* (alias(Clearing Tiki cache))


Information Version
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte Toggling minification settings 11
Marc Laporte 10
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 9
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 8
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improve information, removed a link that redirect to a quit confusing page for a novice... as this information is for novice. 7
Jonny Bradley 6
Jonny Bradley 5
Jonny Bradley 4
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1