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History: Computed Tracker Field

Source of version: 12 (current)

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This is deprecated and has some security issues. Please use ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field)) instead.


! Computed Tracker Field

This field type allows you to compute a field function of other field of the item.

You use # for indicating fieldIds and +,*,/,- and parenthesis for operations.

For example, if you have a field with an Id of __3__ which has a numeric quantity, and a field with an Id of __4__ which has an item price, to multiply quantity and price: __#3*#4__

A file containing a little script to sync a computed field is attached to this page. This is useful when you add a new computed field on existing items for instance.

Since Tiki 15.0 (or 14.2, 12.5), you can indicate:
* Decimal Places: 
+ Amount of decimals to preserve before rounding.
* Decimal separator when displaying data: 
+ Single character. Use c for comma, d for dot or s for space. The valid decimal separator when inserting numbers may depend on site language and web browser. See documentation for more details.
* Thousand separator when displaying data
+ Single character, Use c for comma, d for dot or s for space. When inserting data no thousands separator is needed.

!! Known limitations
# While it can do calculations between dates, it can't give a negative value for days. So if you are measuring how many days ahead or late you are according to schedule, you can't have -6 days. Solution: 
** Use ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field)) instead. Syntax: sub 
# There was no way to round of values in Tiki versions prior to Tiki 15.0 (or 14.2, 12.5). So you could end up with a value like  5.71228448276 . solution:
** Upgrade to Tiki 15.0 (or 14.2, 12.5) at least, and use the provided extra option to indicate the number of decimal points that you need.
**  Use ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field)) instead. Syntax: round