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History: Content Organization Tools and Navigation Aids

Source of version: 14 (current)

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            The content of this page should ((merge)) into ((Features))

see also ((How to organize your content))

!!The Wiki

>todo> ((Wiki))
>todo> ((Using Wiki Pages)) ''maybe split in parts, that will be huge''
>todo> ((Wiki Config)) ''same here''
>todo> ((Wiki Details))

!!Image Galleries

>todo> ((Image Gallery))
>todo> ((Image Gallery User))
>todo> ((Image Gallery Config))
>todo> ((Image Gallery Details))


> ((Blog))
> ((Blog User))
> ((Blog Config))
> ((Blog Ref))
'' transferred from tw.o by mose to provide a sample dataset''

!!File Galleries

>todo> ((File Gallery))
>todo> ((File Gallery User))
>todo> ((File Gallery Config))


>todo> ((Forums))
>todo> ((Forum User))
>todo> ((Forum Admin))
>todo> ((Forum Details))


>todo> ((Directory))
>todo> ((Directory User))
>todo> ((Directory Admin))
>todo> ((Directory Details))


>todo> ((FAQ))
>todo> ((FAQ User))
>todo> ((FAQ Admin))


>todo> ((Quiz))
>todo> ((Quiz User))
>todo> ((Quiz Admin))


>todo> ((Trackers))
>todo> ((Tracker User))
>todo> ((Tracker Admin))
>todo> ((Tracker Details))


>todo> ((Surveys))
>todo> ((Survey User))
>todo> ((Survey Admin))
>todo> ((Survey Details))


>todo> ((Newsletters))
>todo> ((Newsletter User))
>todo> ((Newsletter Admin))
>todo> ((Newsletter Details))

Most use of tikiwiki make ocasion of various statistics, rankings and traffic indicators.
>todo> ((Stats))
>todo> ((Stats User))
>todo> ((Stats Admin))

That time-view is mostly used to have the one-shot glance on activity in time. Each tikiwiki object added or changed is added in the calendar with a link, so you can easily detect what changed since your last visit. Alternatively the calendar can be used for group activity.
>todo> ((Calendar))
>todo> ((Calendar User))
>todo> ((Calendar Admin))

That is a sortof web wrapper that include sexternal html content into tikiwiki framwork. It is fully configurable with regexp for parsing substitutionss and there is a cache use for performances sake.
>todo> ((Integrator))
>todo> ((Integrator User))
>todo> ((Integrator Admin))
>todo> ((Integrator Details))

!!Categories system
Category are a way to classify Tiki objects (Blogs, Image galleries, Articles, Polls, Forum, Wiki Pages, File Galleries). You can create a category tree with as many sub-categories as you want. Any Tiki object can then be added to one or many categories. The user will be able to use a category browser--navigating the category tree with links to the objects in the category. This can be used to let the users find all the information your Tiki site has about a specific topic/subject regardless if the information is in an article, a weblog or a file gallery.
>todo> ((Category))
>todo> ((Category User))
>todo> ((Category Admin))
>todo> ((Categories Details))

!!Banner ads
Some time ago banners were used to generate revenues for successful websites. Today this practice is not that frequent but banners are still popular. Why? Because they are a great way to generate traffic for a web site. Community sites, weblogs, e-zines and many sites can use banners and exchange banners with other sites to generate more visitors, more page views and more traffic to their sites.
Tiki supports image banners, HTML banners (used in banner exchange sites), and text ads. Banners are assigned to zones in your application. There are a lot of configurable options for banners such as maximum number of impressions, weekdays when the banner can be displayed, hours, etc. Banners clients are normal Tiki users and they can view banners assigned to them accessing a page where banner stats are displayed. Including banners in Tiki is easy using a very simple syntax in any template or user module.
>todo> ((Banners))
>todo> ((Banner User))
>todo> ((Banner Admin))

Those boxes in right and left columns are modules. The role of modules is to reach the informations in a synthetic visual box. A whole list of 60 existing modules are provided in tikiwiki for accessing other features content, and admin can make his own modules very easily.
>todo> ((Module))
>todo> ((Module Admin))

Admins can create chat channels that users can join. Once in a channel, users post messages that are broadcast to all the users in the same chatroom. Chatroom messages are updated at a given interval that can be configured for each chat channel (you may want one channel to refresh faster than others).
>todo> ((Chat))
>todo> ((Chat User))
>todo> ((Chat Admin))

!!Live Support System
Live support puts you on-call when your users need you. With the click of a button, a user may request help from a tech support operator. The live support module automatically opens a chat window between user and operator.
>todo> ((Live Support))
>todo> ((Live Support User))
>todo> ((Live Support Admin))
>todo> ((Live Support Details))


>todo> ((Maps))
>todo> ((Maps Admin))
>todo> ((Maps Details))

Using an optional third party script (wollabot) and a php special lib (smartirc) tikiwiki lives on irc channels, and can answers some basic commands to access tikiwiki datas.

!!Voice Tiki
TikiWiki is voice-enabled by HAWHAW. This feature makes TikiWiki a perfect tool to create voice services fast and easy. Voice browsers are provided by VoiceXML providers and are typically connected to both the public telephone network and the internet. HAWHAW and TikiWiki are optimized for the Voxeo voice browser.

!!Mobile Tiki
Mobile permits web developpers to offer a WAP / PDA / i-mode version of their site with the same content and without any extra work! Tiki has partnered with the innovative HAWHAW toolkit. Currently, wiki pages and blogs are available. More features (forums, directory, etc) to be added in the near future.
>todo> ((Mobile))
>todo> ((Mobile Tiki User))

That is an overlay for wiki pages so they can be sorted and ordered, so they can be presented with previous / next links, and be used in slideshow style for presentations.
>todo> ((Structures))
>todo> ((Structure User))
>todo> ((Structure Admin))
>todo> ((Structure Details))


>todo> ((Comments))
>todo> ((Comment User))
>todo> ((Comment Admin))

!!Communications center
The communications center is a feature not found in many CMS systems. Basically, it lets you send/receive objects to and from other Tiki-powered sites. You can control who can send you objects and who can admin the received objects. A special inbox is used to examine received objects and you can edit the objects, remove them or accept them from this inbox. Accepted objects will appear as normal Tiki objects. For example, if you see a nice Wiki page about a specific topic or a set of pages useful to your site you can ask for them and use this feature to receive the pages from another site. The communications center is based on an XMLRPC api to send/receive objects so you can build desktop applications or adapt existing systems to interact with your Tiki site.
>todo> ((Communication Center))

The use of an extetrnal spell checker make easier the input of data in wiki and articles.
>todo> ((Spellcheck))
>todo> ((Spellcheck User))
>todo> ((Spellcheck Admin))

!!JgraphPad drawings
JGraphPad is a powerful java drawing applet.
>todo> ((Draw))
>todo> ((Drawings (Legacy doc)))

!!HTML pages

>todo> ((HTML Pages))

!!Dynamic Content System
The Dynamic Content System (DCS) is a very simple concept. You can edit blocks of HTML code or text from a admin screen and you can display a block in any Tiki template or user module. Updating the block content will update the template. You can also program block content by date--storing several blocks to be displayed in future dates. This simple system adds a lot of flexibility to Tiki. You can display anything you like anywhere in the screen and you can set up portions that can be changed or that change automatically along time.
>todo> ((Dynamic Content))
>todo> ((Dynamic Content Admin))


>todo> ((Polls))
>todo> ((Poll User))
>todo> ((Poll Admin))

!!RSS feeds
Tiki is remarkably flexible when it comes to RSS. It can both display external Feeds feeds from other sites in user modules and elsewhere and syndicate its activities (blogs, articles, forums, Wiki and galleries) via RSS.
>todo> ((Feeds))
>todo> ((Feeds User))
>todo> ((RSS Admin))
>todo> ((RSS Feeds Details))

A module for users to put instant comments on your Tiki, much like a graffiti feature.
>todo> ((Shoutbox))
>todo> ((Shoutbox User))
>todo> ((Shoutbox Admin))

Comb through a Tiki site to find just the information you want. Search picks through forums, image/file galleries, link directories, CMS articles, blogs and Wiki pages to find the terms you specify. And Tiki compiles search statistics for admins so that they may keep an eye on what users want from their sites. There are two forms of searching: regular and full text. Full-text searching sorts results by the relevance of the match to the search query. Also, search results will be ordered first by relevance, and then by section (Wiki, blog, etc.). Regular, non-full-text searching continues to sort first by section, and then by hits.
>todo> ((Search))
>todo> ((Search User))
>todo> ((Search Admin))
>todo> ((Search Details))

!!MyTiki section
Logged-in users can enjoy many convenient features in the MyTiki section. All of these features can be enabled/disabled by admin. Some features can't be offered to users without a valid login name and password, so they are only present when a user has logged in to Tiki using a valid username and password, the features that are available to registered users are grouped in the MyTiki section.
>todo> ((MyAccount))
>todo> ((MyTiki Admin))
>todo> ((MyTiki Details))

The Webmail feature provides a Web interface for users' email accounts. Users can set an account by indicating the POP3 and SMTP servers to use. Then they will be able to read mails, send mails, manage attachments, manage contacts and other regular Webmail features. Tiki can read and write HTML based emails as normal Webmail programs do.
>todo> ((Webmail))

__Inter-User Messages__ 
Users can send messages to other Tiki users and read/reply/remove messages in their mailboxes. Messages can have a priority setting and the user may choose to be notified by email when important messages are received by Tiki. The user can close his or her mailbox from this user preferences screen and he or she will not receive messages. Messages can be flagged for follow up. Admins can send broadcast messages to all the users in a Tiki site. A module to display the number of unread messages is also included. User with permission can send messages to all the members of a group.
>todo> ((Inter-User Messages))

__User Notepad__ 
Using the notepad users can write, upload, download and read notes. Notes can be read as raw text files or as Wiki pages interpreting the Wiki markup syntax. The user-quota that admin can control is used to set the maximum size that user notes can take.
>todo> ((Notepad))

__User Tasks__ 
User tasks let the user set-up to-do tasks and then view the current tasks, mark them as done or delete them. A task can be programmed to be activated in future date. A module that lets the user manipulate tasks is provided.
>todo> ((Task))

__User Files__ 
Users can store personal files on a Tiki site. They can upload files and then download them when they want. A quota can be setup to control the maximum size of personal files per user.
>todo> ((User Files))

__User Calendar__ 
The calendar can be used at user level to enter events for any date. Events can be viewed in daily or weekly views or as a list. Reminders can be used to notify the user about an event some time before it starts. The user calendar can be imported and exported from Outlook.
>todo> ((User calendar))

__User Menus__ 
Using user menus the user can add personal items to the User Menu section in the application menu. An option is provided to let the user automatically add all the top-level bookmarks to his or her personal menu.
>todo> ((User Menu))

__User Preferences__ 
User preferences let the user select all the user-level preferences for the site: personal avatar, time zone, theme, language, etc.
>todo> ((User Preferences))

__User Bookmarks__ 
User bookmarks let users bookmark internal or external pages, create folders and organize their personal bookmarks in folders. Bookmarks can be cached if that option is enabled. A module is provided to let the users see their bookmarks, navigate through them, and add new bookmarks.
>todo> ((Bookmarks))

__User Modules__
Module are the boxes you see in the left and right side bars of the application. The user modules section lets the users hide or show available modules of a Tiki site and configure their positions. Module administrators can make many more predefined modules available and create their own using HTML. PluginModule is a plugin that allows modules to be included in Wiki pages.
>todo> ((User Modules))
__User Watches__
((Watch)) monitor content that users are interested in. There is a Watches page in User preferences to organize this monitoring. Currently, blogs, Wiki pages and forums can be monitored.
>todo> ((Watch))

The newsreader can be used to let the user browse news from any NNTP (usenet) site. They can read news and mark articles as read to know when new posts appear.
>todo> ((Newsreader))

!!Admin Panels
Administrative tasks are gathered on panels 
>todo> ((Admin Panels))

__Features Admin Panel__ 
It's the central control center for activating or inhibiting every features.
>todo> ((Features Admin))

__General Admin Panel__ 
There you can setup global options for your tikiwiki.
>todo> ((General Admin))

__Login Admin Panel__ 
For specifying users rules for login or register, and setup ldap if used.
>todo> ((LDAP authentication))

__Users Admin Panel__ 
where you see list of users, add them  or change them.
>todo> ((Users))

__Groups Admin Panel__ 
to setup groups where users can be attributed, and also to reach the permissions system
>todo> ((Groups Management))
>todo> ((Permissions))

__Admin DSN__ 
for using direct access to a database from any wiki-formatted page.
>todo> ((Admin DSN))

to make dumps of tikiwiki database.
>todo> ((Backup))

is a setting that make you block traffic from some sources, if requiried.
>todo> ((Banning))

to access to cached page and purge them all or some
>todo> ((Link Cache))

__Content Templates__ 
are pre-written pages that can be used in editing forms
>todo> ((Content Templates))

provide manageable taglines.
>todo> ((Cookie))

__Edit Templates__ 
is a simple interface to modify templates
>todo> ((Edit Templates))

__External Wikis__ 
are inter-wiki links
>todo> ((External Wikis))

__Import phpwiki__ 
to transform phpwiki content to tikiwiki pages
>todo> ((Mod import-phpwiki))

__Featured Links__ 
You can enter as many links as you want and a user module displays the links in the order that you want. Clicking the links will open the site in a frame inside the central section of Tiki. Statistics are kept about the number of times that featured links are visited and you can automatically order featured links by the number of hits they have.
>todo> ((Featured Links))

__Mail notifications__ 
enable mail sending to you when something happens, like new page is created or a new user registers.
>todo> ((Mail notifications))

is a pop3 client that grabs new wiki pages from a mail account.
>todo> ((Mail-in))

__Custom Menus__ 
make you can build any ne module with existing tikiwiki content or any urls, with a perm system for minimum level required to see each item.
>todo> ((Menu))

__Theme Control__ 
is a feature for changing the templates applied on whole sections, categories or page per pages.
>todo> ((Theme Control))

is the classic php page with all apache variables in it.
>todo> ((Phpinfo))