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History: Cypht in Tiki vs Cypht standalone

Source of version: 6

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Cypht is a webmail aggregator. It was picked to become Tiki's webmail component.

So what features go to Cypht vs Tiki?

Cypht is a standalone webmail and an independent project. However, in the last few years, Tiki developers have had a preponderant influence because they contributed a lot of code.

As much as reasonably possible, we add features to Cypht to make them available to a boader community. But for some features, it's [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/1037|quite debatable if it should be in Cypht]. A good example is advanced calendar support. From the moment a tool is used as someone's main calendar, there can be a need for [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/120|CalDAV, CardDAV, invitations by email, appointment slots, permissions and delegation, recurring events, etc.]. This can become quite complex. Tiki already has an advanced ((Calendar)) system.

If you use Cypht, and are ́lacking some features, you will likely find them in Tiki. Similary, [https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/9116|Roundcube doesn't support a built-in calendar] and relies on plugins like [https://packagist.org/packages/kolab/calendar|Kolab's calendar]

!! How Cypht and Tiki are converging
* [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/333|License]
* Dependencies
** [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/pull/828|Bootstrap]
** [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/pull/812|Markdown handling]
* Lifecycle
** Cypht added an LTS: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/wiki/Lifecycle

!! Code designed to work together
* ((Tag))

!! What Tiki does extra
* Parts of ((Email filters))
* ((Calendar Invitations by email))
* More advanced ((Contacts))
* ((Email folders Tracker Field))


Information Version
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1