History: Feeds Feeds
Source of version: 11 (current)
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!Feeds {DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics:: * ((RSS)) * ((Feeds)) ^{DIV} ;__Overview__:Use this tab to enable the specific Tiki-generated feeds. ;__To Access__:From the ((Feeds|Feeds Admin)) page, click the __Feeds__ tab. {TABS(name="feeds" tabs="6.x|5.x")} {img fileId="536" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="300" alt="Feeds tab" desc="Feeds tab" align="center" imalign="center"} For each Tiki feed, you can configure the following options: {FANCYTABLE(head="Setting~|~ Description ~|~ Default" sortable="n" colwidths="25%|60%|15%" colaligns="left" colvaligns="top")}Title ~|~ The title (name) of the feed. ~|~ Tiki RSS Feed for ''feature'' Description: ~|~ Description of the feed. ~|~ Maximum number of items to display: ~|~ ~|~ 10 Show Author ~|~ Include the author of the feed. ~|~ Homepage URL: ~|~ Include the homepage (URL) of the feed. ~|~ {FANCYTABLE} ///// {img fileId="242" thumb="y" width="300" desc="Feeds Admin" alt="Feeds Admin" imalign="center" align="center"} The available feeds and their meanings: ||__Feed__|__Description__ Articles| This feed lists the last n articles in your site. Blogs| This feed lists the last n posts to blogs in your site. Individual Blog| This feed lists the last posts to a given Blog. (There's a feed for each weblog.) Image galleries| This feed lists the last images uploaded to image galleries (any) in your site Individual Image galleries| This feed lists the last uploaded images to a given gallery. (There's a feed for each gallery.) File galleries| This feed lists the last n files uploaded to file galleries (any) in your site. Individual file galleries| This feed lists the last files uploaded to a given file gallery. (There's a feed for each file gallery.) Wiki| This feed lists the last changes to the Wiki. Forums| Lists the last n topics to the Forums (all the forums) Individual Forum| List the last n topics to a given forum. Trackers|This feed lists the last (or first) n items for a tracker Individual trackers items|This feed lists the updates to a given tracker. Calendar| List the last n items in the given calendar Directories| List the last n sites new in all directories. Map files| List the last n mapfiles new on the tiki site. || {FANCYTABLE} {TABS}