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History: Front-ends to Tracker data

Preview of version: 16

Tiki Trackers are a powerful generic database builder, and there are many ways to interact with the data, such as:


(alphabetically sorted)

Besides PluginTrackerCalendar, you can also see through a Calendar tracker items associated with a standard tracker calendar. See:

And of course:


  • Diagram (should be partially populated from data)

You can also export it (all or some fields and items, eventually filtered by some criteria), edit the data elsewhere, and re-import it if needed later on, etc. See:

And you can edit data inline in forms, if you enable the corresponding parameter to do so. See:



Information Version
Marc Laporte 20
Marc Laporte 19
Marc Laporte 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte 13
Xavier de Pedro 12
Xavier de Pedro 11
Xavier de Pedro 10
Xavier de Pedro 9
Jean-Marc Libs 8
Jean-Marc Libs 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte listpages Plugin modified by editor. 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1