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History: Front-ends to Tracker data

Source of version: 20 (current)

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            Tiki Trackers are a powerful generic database builder, and there are many ways to interact with the data, such as:

!! Active
(alphabetically sorted)
* ((PluginCustomSearch))
* ((PluginGanttChart))
* ((PluginList))
* ((PluginListExecute))
* ((PluginMap))
* ((PluginPivotTable)), which gets ((Plotly))
* ((PluginTrackerCalendar))
* ((PluginChartJS))
* ((PluginTrackerTimeline))
* ((Simple vertical timeline))
* ((PluginKanban))
* ((PluginGDgraph))

Besides PluginTrackerCalendar, you can also see through a Calendar tracker items associated with a standard tracker calendar. See:
* [Date-Tracker-Fields#Date_REAL_AMP_Time_Calendar_Item_Tracker_Field]

And of course:
{listpages showNameOnly="y" find="PluginTracker"}

!! Planned
* ((Diagram)) (should be partially populated from data)

!! Related
You can also export it (all or some fields and items, eventually filtered by some criteria), edit the data elsewhere, and re-import it if needed later on, etc. See:
* ((Import Trackers))
* ((Export trackers))
* ((Tracker Import Export))

And you can edit data inline in forms, if you enable the corresponding parameter to do so. See:
* ((Tracker Inline edit))

!! Also
* ((System Trackers))
* ((Grouped Data))
* ((Date-based aggregations))
* ((Derived Attribute of a date))
* ((Wiki Argument Variables))