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History: Index of Modules

Preview of version: 14

Index of Modules

The following pages explain and illustrate the function of each module as well as the syntax to be used. Any parameters specific to that module are also explained. Parameters common to all or many modules are explained at Module Common Parameters.

An alphabetical table of contents follows. Below that is an index by category.

Alphabetical Index of Modules

Modules by Category

Feature Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
articles Articles title, type, topicId, topic, start
breadcrumb Recently visited pages Lists recently-visited pages. maxlen
calendar Calendar-Filter
calendar Calendar-Filter 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
categories Displays category objects. type, deep, categId, style 1.10
change_category id, shy (show only if page is in categ)
directory_stats Directory stats
featured_links Featured links Displays featured links.
minichat Mini chat Shows a small box for chat updated at real time without browser refresh.
random_pages Displays a link to a random wiki page.
random_images Displays a random image thumbnail. galleryId
shoutbox post comments in to the module for all to see tooltip
who_is_there Online users Lists usernames of logged-in users. cluster
logged_users Online users Shows the number of logged-in users.
login_box The login/logout box input_size (since 1.10)=size in characters of the text input box
online_users Online users Lists real names of logged-in users.

User's Configuration Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
switch_lang Switch site language (dropdown list selector). title, nobox, flip, decorations
switch_lang2 Switch site language (select among text links). title, nobox, flip, decorations
switch_theme Allows users to switch site theme

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
directory_last_sites Lists latest sites links added to Directory. nonums, absurl ( [y|n] - If not set, default = relative)
directory_stats Shows Directory statistics.
directory_top_sites Shows most-visited sites in Directory.
whats_related Lists objects in same category as current page/object.

Recent Changes Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
forums_last_posts Lists recent forum posts. nonums
forums_last_topics Lists recent new forum topics. Or in version 1.10, also recently replied to forum topics nonums, absurl
since_last_visit Shows changes in various features since last login
since_last_visit_new Shows changes in various features since last login showuser ,showtracker
wiki_last_comments Most recently added wiki comments moretooltips, nonums
last_actions Displays latest users' actions. showuser, showdate, nonums, maxlen
last_articles Displays latest articles. type, topicId. topic, nonums, absurl
last_blog_posts display latest blog posts blogid, title, nonums
last_category_objects Recently categorized objects type, id
last_created_blogs Recently created blogs nonums
last_created_faqs Recently created FAQs nonums
last_created_quizzes Recently created Quiz nonums
directory_last_sites Last Sites Recently added links in Directory.
last_files Displays files uploaded since last visit galleryId, nonums
last_file_galleries Displays file galleries modified since last visit
last_image_galleries Displays latest Image Gallery modified since last visit nonums
last_images Lists most-recent image uploads. galleryId, nonums
last_images_th Shows thumbnails of most-recent image uploads. galleryId
last_modified_blogs Display blogs modified since last visit. nonums
last_modif_events calendarId, maxlen, nonums
last_modif_pages Displays most recently edited wiki pages minor, maxlen, nonums, absurl
last_modif_tracker_items Lists the tracker items added since last visit name, trackerId, nonums
last_submissions Lists the tracker items added since last visit. nonums
last_tracker_comments trackerId, itemId, nonums
last_tracker_items Lists the last tracker items added. status, name, trackerId, nonums
last_visitors Lists recent logged-in visitors. maxlen, nonums

"Best of" Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
forums_best_voted_topics Top topics nonums
forums_most_commented_forums nonums
forums_most_read_topics nonums
forums_most_visited_forums nonums
top_active_blogs nonums
top_articles Lists Articles by number of hits nonums
top_files Lists files by number of hits (downloads?) nonums
top_file_galleries Lists file galleries by number of hits. nonums
top_forum_posters Lists most-active forum posters. nonums
top_games Lists Games by number of hits. nonums
top_images Lists Images by number of hits. nonums
top_images_th Shows thumbnails of most-viewed images.
top_image_galleries Lists Image Gallery pages by number of hits. nonums
top_objects Lists most-viewed objects (pages, galleries, etc.). nonums
top_pages Lists Wiki pages by number of hits. nonums
top_quizzes Lists Quiz by number of hits. nonums
top_visited_blogs Lists Blog by number of hits. nonums
top_visited_faqs Lists FAQs by number of hits. nonums

Help and Support Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
assistant Tiki Assistant Welcome message to admin of new Tiki installation.
live_support Starts the live support feature

Search Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
Module Name Title Short Description Specific Params tw release
google Google Search Web search
search_box Search in entire site or by feature.
search_new Search in entire site or by feature.
search_wiki_page Search for wiki page name.

MyTiki Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
user_blogs Lists "my Blogs" from the MyTiki feature nonums
user_bookmarks Lists "my Bookmarks" from the MyTiki feature
user_image_galleries Lists "my Pages" from the MyTiki feature nonums
user_pages Lists "my Pages" from the MyTiki feature nonums
user_tasks Lists tasks from the MyTiki feature
messages_unread_messages Displays the number of new user messages

Miscellaneous Modules

Module Name1 Module Title2 Description Parameters Versions
events Current events Displays calendar (?)
menupage Displays a wiki page's content. name
quick_edit title, templateId, submit, size, mod_quickedit_heading, categId
wikistructure Dynamic navigation menu created on the fly from a given structre toc id, maxdepth (in theory, same as toc) 2.x, some params only in 3.0 like "maxdepth".
tail (used by devs) file, title, max, reverse, filter
upcoming_events calendarId, maxDays, maxlen, nonums, date_format
action_similarcontent Similar Content Display similar content to current object using FreeTags contentType 5.0
poll Displays a poll in a wiki page pollId


Information Version
Baraka Kinywa test 31
Baraka Kinywa test 30
Marc Laporte I don't see this in 24x 29
Josue Zirimwabagabo 28
Josue Zirimwabagabo 27
Josue Zirimwabagabo 26
Josue Zirimwabagabo 25
Josue Zirimwabagabo 24
Josue Zirimwabagabo 23
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added color_mode_switch to User's Configuration Modules table. 22
luciash d' being 🧙 Module webmail_inbox 21
WizarDave Added an alias List of Modules 20
Xavier de Pedro added freetags 19
lindon 17
lindon 16
lindon 15
lindon 14
lindon 13
lindon 12
Marc Laporte 11
lindon 10
lindon 9
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 8
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 7
Scot Wilcoxon do not use quotation marks around page name. Don't know why, but it doesn't work. 6
sylvie 5
robferguson 4
Xavier de Pedro 3
mlpvolt 2
mlpvolt 1