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History: Look and Feel

Source of version: 39 (current)

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            ! {icon name="admin_look" } Look & Feel
{DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-sm-9")}{DIV(class="lead")}The are many configuration options to customize the appearance of a Tiki website. The theme (Bootstrap compatible) can be changed of course, and applied globally or selectively. Page layout can be configured by choosing from among packaged layout templates or creating a new one. There are other specific switches for such options as fixed-width or liquid layout. Custom CSS rules, JavaScript and so on can also be added easily via the Look and Feel options. {DIV}{DIV}{DIV(class="col-sm-3")}^::Related Topics::
*((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes))^{DIV}{DIV}
;__To access__: Click the __Look & Feel__ icon {PARAM(name="version" value="12")}{img src=img/icons/large/gnome-settings-background.png alt="Look and Feel"}{ELSE}{icon name="admin_look" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."}{PARAM} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=look__ 
;__Tabs__: This page contains the following tabs:{toc}

! Alias
*(alias(Site Identity))
*(alias(Look and Feel Admin))
~tc~ (alias(theme)) ~/tc~