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History: Module upcoming_events

Preview of version: 18

Module upcoming_events

It shows the next events that are upcoming, according to the Tiki Calendar (all or just some of the defined calendars, if speceified).


calendarIdnumericoptional show events only for a specific calendar
numeric list optional shows events only for specific calendars. Syntaxe used in admin->modules params ligne Example" calendarId[]=4&calendarId[]=5 will show up only the events of calendar 4 or calendar 5. To use it in MODULE, use calendarId=1:2 tw >=3.0
maxlen numeric optional maximum number of displayed characters for each event
maxDaysnumericoptionalevent coming in the next maxDays days (default 365)
nonums alphanumeric (y/n) optional y = don't shown numbering of events
n = show numbering of events
date_formatstringoptionaldate format (default site short_date_format site_short_time) ex:date_format=%m/%e/%y %H:%M %Z- See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
cellpaddingnumberoptionalcell padding of the table in pixels
cellspacingnumberoptionalcell spacing of the table in pixels
priorDaysnumericoptional event in the past x daystw>=3.0
showDescription y or noptional Show description (default: n) tw>=3.0
showColor y or noptionalUse calendar color if exists (default: n) tw>=3.0
titlestringoptionalReplace the default title (put title="" for no title) tw>=3.0
showaction y or noptionalShow an icon and link at the bottom to allow users with enough permissions to add new items to the calendars (default: y) tw>=6.0


More information

See all Modules installed by default
See Modules installable as Plugins
See Calendar


Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 20
Baraka Kinywa 19
Xavier de Pedro 18
sylvie 16
sylvie 15
sylvie 14
sylvie 13
sylvie 12
sylvie 11
Marc Laporte new past events, in Tiki 3.0 10
Marc Laporte 9
Xavier de Pedro 8
Xavier de Pedro 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
sylvie 3
sylvie 2
Xavier de Pedro 1