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History: Module users_list

Preview of version: 12

Module users_list

Former version in mods.tiki.org, and ported to Tiki12.1.

Display a list of users

Usage in a wiki page

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{MODULE(module=users_list, login=y, group=Teachers) /}


ParameterValueDescription Defaulttw
loginy or nShow the user nameOptionalytw>=1.9
realNamey or nShow the user real nameOptionalntw>=1.9
lastLoginy or nShow the last login dateOptionalntw>=1.9
groupsy or nShow the direct and included groups a user belongs toOptionalntw>=1.9
avatary or nShow the user avatarOptionalntw>=1.9
userPagey or nShow a link to the userPageOptionalntw>=1.9
logy or nShow a link to the user logs(feature actionlog must be activatedOptionalntw>=1.10
groupa group nameShow only the users of the groupOptional tw>=1.9
includedGroupsy or nShow only the users of the group group and of a group including groupOptionalntw>=1.10
initiala letterShow only the users whose name begins with the letterOptionaltw>=1.9
headingy or nshow the table headingOptionalytw>=1.9
sort_mode login_asc, login_desc, email_asc, email_desc Sort users using this value Optional login_asc tw>=12.3, 13.2

Notice: if you do not display the login but the real name and if the realname is empty, the login will be displayed.


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{MODULE(module=users_list, group=Students, includedGroups=y, avatar=y, groups=y, realName=y, log=y, userPage=y, sort_mode=login_asc)}{MODULE}



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 14
Baraka Kinywa 13
olinuxx 12
Xavier de Pedro 11
Xavier de Pedro 10
Xavier de Pedro 9
sylvie 7
sylvie 6
sylvie 5
sylvie 4
sylvie 3
sylvie 2
sylvie 1