History: PluginFiles
Source of version: 36 (current)
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! Plugin Files Use this ((wiki plugin)), introduced in ((Tiki3)), to display a list of files like in a file gallery listing. You can also create a link to a slideshow of images in a file gallery. The files can identified by their: * ID * gallery * category * gallery and category !!Requirements Regarding permissions: * The file gallery must be visible by the user in order for the file to be listed or displayed * A category with a permission on a file has no effect !! Parameters {pluginmanager plugin=files} {REMARKSBOX(title="Additional notes" type="tip")} * If you give only -+categId+-, all the files that are in a gallery with this category and all the files of this category (after Tiki version 2) will be returned. * If you give only -+galleryId+-, all the files of this gallery will be returned * If you give -+galleryId+- and -+categId+-, all the files of the gallery that have this category will be returned * The fields that are displayed are those specified in one of the galleries * If you specify -+title+-, you will see this text as title instead of the category name or the gallery name as title {REMARKSBOX} !! Examples !!! All files in a gallery ''This code:'' {CODE(colors="tiki")}{files galleryId="4" max="5"}{CODE} ''Would produce on this site:'' {files galleryId="4" max="5"} !!! All files in a category ''This code:'' {CODE(colors="tiki")}{files categId="13"}{CODE} ''Would produce on this site:'' {files categId="13"} !!! Select files ''This code:'' {CODE(colors="tiki")}{files fileId="60:61:62" showgallery="n"}{CODE} ''Would produce on this site:'' {files fileId="60:61:62" showgallery="n"} !!! Slideshow ''This code:'' {CODE(colors="tiki")}{FILES(galleryId="6" slideshow="y")}Slideshow for file gallery 6{FILES}{CODE} ''Would produce on this site:'' {FILES(galleryId="6" slideshow="y")}Slideshow for file gallery 6{FILES} !!Related pages * ((Slideshow))